Boston Herald


- By Matthew Medsger mmedsger@bostonhera­

The work week will begin with cold, snow, and sleet but should be otherwise sunny, dry, and gradually become warmer, according to the National Weather Service.

Rain forecast for the Greater Boston region overnight Sunday into Monday will eventually give way to light snow, with the potential of about three inches of accumulati­on, forecaster­s predict.

“Snow is likely with a chance of rain in the morning,” Alan Dunham, a meteorolog­ist with the NWS, told the Herald. “It will finish off as snow showers in the mid-afternoon. Accumulati­on for Greater Boston could be about one to three inches.”

NWS radar models show snow clouds moving into the region from the north-west as of Sunday evening, and Dunham said there is potential for wintery-mix precipitat­ion beginning overnight.

Temperatur­es will drop toward freezing before dawn on Monday, and that morning’s sunrise behind cloudy skies probably won’t warm the region out of the mid-30s. Snow showers are most likely between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m., according to the weather service.

The snow should drift off over the Atlantic by the end of Monday afternoon, when overnight temps will begin dropping toward the low-20s.

Temperatur­es on Tuesday aren’t expected to climb out of the 20s, despite a partly sunny forecast. Overnight lows will drop even further going into Wednesday, falling as low as the mid-teens.

The mercury should climb back above freezing and stay in the mid-30s during the day on Wednesday, Dunham said, when it is expected to be mostly sunny, though it will again drop into the 20s overnight.

More partly sunny weather is forecast for both Thursday and Friday, when the high temperatur­e is expected to break into the low-40s and justbarely freezing temps are expected overnight.

The weekend appears dry at this point, Dunham said, with more partly sunny weather predicted and highs in the middle30s.

Winds are expected to stay below 15 mph throughout most of the week, though there is potential for gusts as high as 26 mph during Monday’s snow storms, according to the weather service.

 ?? CHRIS CHRISTO — BOSTON HERALD ?? A shopper leaves a grocery store on Worcester’s West Boylston Street during the snow Sunday.
CHRIS CHRISTO — BOSTON HERALD A shopper leaves a grocery store on Worcester’s West Boylston Street during the snow Sunday.

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