Boston Herald

Woman dies after eating cookies with unlisted peanuts


HARTFORD, CONN. >> A New York City woman died after eating a mislabeled cookie containing peanuts, part of a batch that has since been recalled.

Stew Leonard’s announced Tuesday that Vanilla Florentine Cookies sold in its grocery stores in Danbury and Newington in Connecticu­t from Nov. 6 to Dec. 31 were being recalled in partnershi­p with the Food and Drug Administra­tion. The retailer said about 500 packages of the holiday cookies were sold.

The cookies contained peanuts as an unlisted ingredient and a New York resident died after eating them at a social gathering in Connecticu­t, state health and consumer protection officials said.

That person was identified Thursday as Órla Baxendale by a law firm representi­ng her interests. Baxendale died Jan. 11 after suffering anaphylact­ic shock resulting from a severe allergic reaction, according to a post on the website for Gair, Gair, Conason, Rubinowitz, Bloom, Hershenhor­n, Steigman & Mackauf.

Baxendale was born in East Lancashire in England and moved to the city to pursue a career as a dancer, according to the post.

“Her passion for dance extended well beyond a single discipline as she was an exquisite ballet, contempora­ry, and Irish step dancer,” read an online obituary for Baxendale.

The cookies were produced by the Long Island-based wholesaler Cookies United and labeled with the Stew Leonard’s brand name, according to state officials.

Stew Leonard Jr., president and CEO of the retailer, said in a video posted Wednesday that the supplier went from soy nuts to peanuts in the recipe without notifying their chief safety officer.

Cookies United said in a release that they notified Stew Leonard’s last July that the product contained peanuts and that all products shipped to the retailer had been labeled accordingl­y. Cookies United said the incorrect label was created by Stew Leonard’s.

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