Big Spring Herald

Miller, Hoff announced as Forsan’s Valedictor­ian and Salutatori­an

- By AMANDA DUFORAT Forsan Advisor Journalism

Forsan High School announces the Valedictor­ian and Salutatori­an for the Class of 2024. This year, the Valedictor­ian is Morgan Miller and Salutatori­an is Lilly Hoff.

Valedictor­ian Morgan Miller is the daughter of Jimmy and Ellie Miller.

Throughout her high school career, Miller was involved in numerous extracurri­cular activities academical­ly and athletical­ly. She has competed in golf and tennis throughout the last few years. As a senior, Miller advanced to the state tennis tournament. She was also a member of the Forsan High School Marching Band all four years. She also served as the football trainer for the Forsan Buffaloes.

In addition to her involvemen­t in athletics, her focus on academics was held with utmost esteem. She was inducted into the National Honor Society and has served most recently as Vice President. She has also been involved with Student Council taking part in annual activities and served as an officer. Her favorite quote is “When I die my prayer is that all of hell rejoices, I’m out of the fight.”

Miller said her favorite subjects have been English and Reading. After graduation, Miller plans to attend Baylor University to pursue a degree in marketing with a focus in non-profit developmen­t and a minor in poverty studies and social justice.

“I am very thankful for Forsan High School for giving me many opportunit­ies and preparing me to pursue my dreams,” Miller said.

Salutatori­an Lilly Hoff is the daughter of Noel and Brenna Hoff.

Throughout Hoff’s high school career she has been a part of FCA as a leader, served as a student council secretary, and was inducted into the National Honor Society. She most recently served as treasurer in the Forsan Chapter of the National Honor Society. Other accomplish­ments during high school included obtaining her Microsoft Office Associate and Certified Nursing Assistant. Her favorite subject has been Spanish.

While placing her academics at the top of her priority list, Hoff has also been active in athletics. She has played on the Forsan tennis team, basketball team where she placed 1st Team All-District, and cheer team.

“I enjoy playing basketball, tennis and hanging out with friends and family,” Hoff said.

After graduation she plans on attending Texas A&M to pursue a degree in Early Childhood Education. She plans to begin her college journey in the Fall.

Her favorite scripture is ““Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understand­ing in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6.

Forsan High School will hold the graduation ceremony on Friday, May 23 at 6 p.m. at the Dorothy Garrett Coliseum.

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