Big Spring Herald

Howard Cottage shines bright with a four-star rating


BIG SPRING - Howard College is proud to announce that Howard Cottage, the on-campus childcare facility, has recently earned a 4-Star Rating as a Texas Rising Star Provider. This exciting milestone follows an 18-month journey dedicated to surpassing the high standards set by the Texas Rising Star program.

“We are excited to reach this level of certificat­ion and be acknowledg­ed for the high quality of care we have been providing for years ,” said Dr. Cheryl Sparks, President. “The staff's dedication to the children and families they serve is remarkable and the Texas Rising Star Provider rating is well deserved.”

The Texas Rising Star certificat­ion, which holds the Cottage to elevated standards, spans four crucial categories: Director/Staff Qualificat­ions and Trainings, Program Administra­tion, Teacher/Child Interactio­ns, and Indoor/ Outdoor Environmen­t. A representa­tive from the Texas Rising Star program conducted multiple site visits verifying the Cottage's compliance with program requiremen­ts including a final assessment.

"This certificat­ion process took a little bit longer than expected,” shared McKenzi Reese, Assistant to the Director of Howard Cottage. “In total, it took us about 18 months to complete from start to finish."

After opening in 2000 through the generosity of the Hall Foundation, Howard Cottage has been a cornerston­e of quality childcare in the Howard County community. The center is licensed to serve 75 children, including 16 infants. With current staff and space limitation­s, they presently serve approximat­ely 55 children and have an ongoing wait list.

As an added bonus to the certificat­ion, Howard Cottage will experience benefits such as preferred eligibilit­y for grants, stipends, curriculum, and other materials and equipment.

Quality of care will remain the primary focus as the facility continues to prioritize children's physical, social-emotional, and cognitive developmen­t within a safe and nurturing environmen­t.

"We are immensely proud of our staff for their hard work and dedication to the children and families of Howard Cottage, not just today but every day," added Shawn Coskey, Howard Cottage Center Director. “We know that parents trust us with their children throughout the day and we take that responsibi­lity seriously.”

As part of the Texas Rising Star program, Howard Cottage will need to undergo recertific­ation every three years,

with two unannounce­d annual monitoring visits per year to ensure continued adherence to the program's high standards.

Although a wait list is currently in place, Howard Cottage welcomes children from Howard County and surroundin­g areas, with Howard College students and faculty given enrollment priority.

For more informatio­n about Howard College, visit howardcoll­ or contact Cindy Smith csmith@howardcoll­ or 432-264-5034.


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