Argus Leader



their chosen profession­s for a lifetime.”

The SDBOR also pointed to a six-year high in student headcount, an increase in first-year students and strong retention. The headcount enrollment number differs from the full-time equivalent enrollment, which is based on 15 credit hours for undergradu­ates, 12 for master and doctoral degrees, 13.3 for nursing, 15 for law, 17.3 for pharmacy and 129 for medicine.

Full-time equivalent enrollment increased systemwide by 1,115 from the previous year, from 24,414 to 25,529, an increase of 4.5%.

“The commitment to making higher education accessible by our governor, legislatur­e, universiti­es, and Board of Regents is steadfast,” SDBOR President Tim Rave said in a press release. “The partnershi­p between these entities ensures that South Dakota’s first-rate public universiti­es remain among the most cost-effective options in the country.”

South Dakota State University

2023 headcount: 11,505

2024 headcount: 12,065

SDSU grew by 560 students, or 4.8%. This is the highest enrollment SDSU has seen since 2018, when the headcount was at 12,107. SDSU attributes the large growth this year to a record firstyear class of 2,449 students, beating the previous record of 2,306 set in 2013, and record retention at 83.8%.

The number of first-year students from South Dakota also grew this year by 7.4% to 1,237, and first-year students from the Sioux Falls metro area increased 10%, drawing nearly 400 students from the area, according to a press release from SDSU.

SDSU President Barry Dunn said in a press release that South Dakota students continue to recognize the great value SDSU provides them and the opportunit­ies available as they explore and find the majors and educationa­l pathways they are most passionate about.

“The growth from the Sioux Falls metro area is certainly important and validates the efforts we have made to connect with education, industry and civic leaders over the past few years to strengthen the relationsh­ip between

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