Argus Leader

Port constraint­s may crimp oil exports

Logistics, freight costs affect Trans Mountain pipeline production

- Nia Williams and Arathy Somasekhar

Logistical constraint­s at the Port of Vancouver mean waterborne oil exports from the highly anticipate­d Trans Mountain pipeline expansion may only be around half what the Canadian government-owned corporatio­n has forecast, traders and shipping sources said.

After 12 years and $25 billion, the project to nearly triple the flow of crude from landlocked Alberta to Canada’s Pacific Coast to 890,000 barrels per day began commercial operations on Wednesday after regulatory delays and constructi­on setbacks.

The extra 590,000 barrels per day of oil will be delivered to the Westridge Marine Terminal where it can be loaded onto tankers, giving Canadian producers more access to U.S. West Coast and Asian markets.

Trans Mountain says it has capacity to load 34 Aframax ships a month, but ship brokers and analysts have pegged the likely number at less than 20, citing concerns about pilot and tug boat availabili­ty and loading restrictio­ns.

“Theoretica­lly they can handle the volumes, but auxiliary or secondary services are not ready for huge volumes,” said Rohit Rathod, senior oil market analyst at ship tracking firm Vortexa.

Ship broker BRS estimated only 15-17 Aframaxes a month would leave Westridge dock. Over the last few years, data showed loadings at Westridge have averaged one or two Aframaxes per month, BRS said, suggesting a significan­t increase in tanker traffic.

Vessels leaving Westridge dock must pass through a busy narrow shipping channel that runs beneath two major bridges to reach the open sea.

To manage high traffic in the channel, the Port of Vancouver has restrictio­ns including daylight-only transit for Aframax tankers and specific transit times based on tidal currents, said Sean Baxter, the port’s acting director of marine operations.

Aframaxes typically transport up to 800,000 barrels but at Westridge they will be limited to loading around 550,000 barrels because of draft restrictio­ns.

Tankers carrying Trans Mountain crude will also have to be accompanie­d by a pilot and a tug boat for longer on each voyage, as part of new regulation­s imposed on the expansion project.

Higher freight costs

Traders and analysts said any slippage in the loading schedules could push up freight costs for shippers.

Extended time at anchorage and in port due to delays can increase demurrage charges, fees levied for using a vessel beyond set dates, said Brendan Hoffman, CEO of shipping consultanc­y service Haugen Consulting LLC. It could also tighten the supply of available Aframax vessels, he added.

That would add to already-high pipeline tolls at the same time increased demand for oil to feed the pipeline is expected to boost prices for Canadian heavy crude, which may limit demand from Asian buyers, redirectin­g crude to the U.S. West Coast.

Shipping crude on an Aframax directly to China would take about 18-20 days and cost about $17.42 a barrel, including pipeline tariffs, according to BRS. Meanwhile, it would take 2-3 days to get to California.

Brian Young, chief operating officer for the Pacific Pilotage Authority in Vancouver, said port authoritie­s will be able to handle the increased traffic and there were enough pilots trained to meet the extra demand.

“The existing regime has been in place for 30 years, it’s just going to be more of the same,” said Young, adding he expected there to be a gradual increase in vessels loadings with Trans Mountain crude over the next 12 to 18 months.

Trans Mountain said its design for the expanded pipeline system gave careful considerat­ion to various marine logistics factors including tides, drafts, weather, and daylight restrictio­ns.

“Our engineerin­g studies and simulation work indicate we will be able to meet contractua­l requiremen­ts given these external factors,” a spokespers­on said in an email.

“Oil markets will determine how many and how often tankers will call at the terminal month to month.”

Aframax oversupply

Trans Mountain expects the first tanker to load at Westridge in the second half of May.

One shipping source said it was still unclear how much demand for Aframaxes to transport Trans Mountain crude would materializ­e in the nearterm.

“We’re literally waiting like crows with some of ours (ships),” said the source, who was not authorized to speak on the record.

“The question is do we keep waiting like vultures or reposition our Aframaxes to other markets.”

An oversupply of Aframax crude tankers on the west coast of the Americas in anticipati­on of the Trans Mountain expansion pressured Vancouver-loading rates to six-month lows on April 19, said Tray Swanson, a freight pricing analyst at Argus.

About 27 Aframax vessels that could carry crude oil were waiting along the Pacific Coast for charters to pick up TMX cargo, according to Vortexa, with at least 14 of them being empty.

“Shipowners have positioned more vessels to be on the west coast to satisfy anticipate­d demand in Vancouver, but that demand has yet to materializ­e, leaving the Aframax market oversuppli­ed for now,” Swanson said.

Any delays in shipping could also fuel volatility in oil prices in Alberta.

“There’s no make-up capacity if there’s a lost day (at Westridge),” one Calgary-based oil broker said.

“There’s not enough storage down on the dock so it will back up in Edmonton.”

“Theoretica­lly they can handle the volumes, but auxiliary or secondary services are not ready for huge volumes,”

Rohit Rathod

Senior oil market analyst

 ?? CHRIS HELGREN/REUTERS FILE ?? Trans Mountain says it has capacity to load 34 Aframax ships a month, but ship brokers and analysts have pegged the likely number at less than 20, citing concerns about pilot and tug boat availabili­ty and loading restrictio­ns.
CHRIS HELGREN/REUTERS FILE Trans Mountain says it has capacity to load 34 Aframax ships a month, but ship brokers and analysts have pegged the likely number at less than 20, citing concerns about pilot and tug boat availabili­ty and loading restrictio­ns.

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