Argus Leader

Secure your privacy on all your new tech devices


Raise your hand if you scooped up some tech for yourself during the holiday sales madness. It’s a great time to score a deal, but I bet you’re also slammed with work and family obligation­s.

Don’t just set it and forget it with your new gear. (Hackers and scammers are hoping you do, of course.) Take a few minutes to secure it. You’ll be glad you did.


Keep your location yours alone

Devices that travel with us (think phones, tablets and laptops) know exactly where we are located – and many companies package and sell that data. While it’s tough (or just really inconvenie­nt) to stop all location tracking, you should take a good hard look at what gets access to where you are.

● On Windows: Go to Start > Settings > Privacy > Location. Click Change, then toggle off Location for this device. This also prevents apps from knowing your location.

● On a Mac: Go to the Apple menu > System Settings > Privacy & Security > Location Services. Switch off Location Services.

● On an iPhone: Go to Settings > Privacy & Security > Location Services. You have the option to switch off Location Services completely. Or turn it off for individual apps by scrolling down the list and tapping the ones you want to change.

● On Android: Go to Settings > Location and toggle off Use Location. If you leave the setting on, scroll down, and change the settings for each app by tapping on them.

Hidden map on Apple gear

Apple keeps track of where you go and how often you visit. It can then make suggestion­s based on what it calls Significan­t Locations. You might see these as calendar events or map directions alerts.

Sure, it’s helpful, but not everyone likes it. You can clear this list.

● On your iPhone, go to Settings > Privacy & Security > Location Services > System Services.> Significan­t Locations > Clear History.

Stay up to date

Depending on how long your new device sat on a shelf or in a warehouse, it might need an update or two. Pop into the settings and look for any software or firmware updates. Sometimes there are a couple in a row.

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Devices that travel with us know exactly where we are located – and many companies package and sell that data. While it’s tough to stop all location tracking, you should take a good hard look at what gets access to where you are.
GETTY IMAGES Devices that travel with us know exactly where we are located – and many companies package and sell that data. While it’s tough to stop all location tracking, you should take a good hard look at what gets access to where you are.

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