Argus Leader

Select the best phone plan for you


Today’s Sound Off is centered on how to select a mobile phone service plan:

Dear Readers: Cellphones are here to stay. The problem that most people face is selecting the right plan for their usage. Here are some things to consider when you’re shopping around for the perfect plan:

● Data usage: This is probably the most expensive part of any plan. Ask yourself what you plan to do with your cellphone. Is it just for calls and texting, or are you using it for video games, work meetings, streaming, researchin­g informatio­n or social media?

● Coverage: Of course you want it to cover the area where you live, but where else might you need service? (Especially for travelers!)

● Number of lines: If you have everyone in the family on the same plan, ask what kind of price break you can get. Be sure to ask about limitation­s and additional fees. Is there a terminatio­n fee? Do they insist on having you sign a contract? Large numbers of people are shying away from contracts that lock them into an overpriced service plan or one with hidden fees that they didn’t know about when they signed the contract. Do you want/need unlimited minutes, and if so, is there an additional fee for that?

● Make sure they don’t talk you into a plan with features that you know you’ll never need and don’t want. Ask if they offer discounts for multiple lines, students, military personnel or seniors. Ask whether Wi-Fi is included as well.

● If you are thinking about switching phone plans, talk to people who already have that phone service and see if they like it. Most people abide by the old adage: “If you like something, you’ll tell a few friends. But if you don’t, you’ll tell everyone you know.”


Dear Heloise: I married right out of high school and got divorced last year. I’m now 23 and would like to go to college, get a degree and make something of my life. Will a college accept me, and are there scholarshi­ps available for someone my age?

Regan F., Alice, Texas

Regan, you can go to college at any age. First, determine where your interests are centered. Teaching? Criminolog­y? Social work or some other area of endeavor? Then consider your working schedule. Are you planning to work full- or parttime, or is someone providing you with room and board?

Next, research colleges to decide where you want to go and who offers you the best educationa­l and financial support. Talk to the people in admissions to see what the requiremen­ts are for a degree.

If needed, start the financial aid process. Decide if you want to start with two years at a community college, then switch to a larger, accredited college, or if you qualify for a student loan.

Finally, submit an applicatio­n. Best wishes from all of us at Heloise Central as you embark on a new chapter of your life! Heloise

Dear Readers: Ask your doctor whether they recommend a flu shot, a COVID booster or the respirator­y syncytial virus (RSV) infection shot for you. Stay safe and germ-free this winter.


Hints From Heloise Heloise

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