Argus Leader

Paperwork keeps kids out of school

Atlanta enrollment rules, poverty create barriers

- Bianca Vázquez Toness

ATLANTA – It’s unclear to Tameka how – or even when – her children became unenrolled from Atlanta Public Schools. But it was traumatic when, in fall 2021, they figured out it had happened.

After more than a year of online learning, students were all required to come back to school. Tameka was skeptical the schools could keep her kids safe from COVID-19. One morning, in a test run, she sent two kids to school.

Her oldest daughter, then in seventh grade, and her second youngest, a boy entering first grade, boarded buses. She had yet to register the youngest girl, who was entering kindergart­en. And her older son, a boy with Down syndrome, stayed home because she wasn’t sure he could mask.

After a few hours, one school called: Come pick up your son, they told her. He was no longer enrolled.

Around lunchtime, the other called: Come get your daughter, they told her. She doesn’t have a class schedule.

Tameka’s children – all four of them – have been home ever since.

Thousands of students went missing from American classrooms during the pandemic. For some who have tried to return, a serious problem has presented itself. Onerous re-enrollment requiremen­ts, arcane paperwork and the everyday obstacles of poverty are preventing those children from going back.

“One of the biggest problems that we have is kids that are missing and chronic absenteeis­m,” says Pamela Herd, a Georgetown University public policy professor. “I’m really taken aback that a district would set forth a series of policies that make it actually quite difficult to enroll.”

In Atlanta, where Tameka lives, parents must present at least eight documents to enroll their children. One of them – a complicate­d certificat­e evaluating a child’s health – is required by the state. Most of the others are Atlanta’s doing, including Social Security cards and a notarized residency affidavit.

The district asks for proof of residency for existing students every year at some schools, and also before sixth and ninth grades, to prevent students from attending schools outside of their neighborho­ods. The policy also allows the district to request residency proof after an extended absence. Without that proof, families say their children have been disenrolle­d.

Tameka’s kids have essentiall­y been out of school since COVID hit in March 2020. (Tameka is her middle name. The AP is withholdin­g her full name because she runs the risk of jail time or losing custody because her kids aren’t in school.)

Tameka’s partner died of a heart attack in May 2020. His death left her overwhelme­d and penniless. Tameka never graduated from high school and has never gotten a driver’s license. But her partner worked constructi­on and had a car.

Suddenly, she had four kids to care for by herself, with only government cash assistance to live on. Because her kids were home during the early days of COVID, she couldn’t work.

When Tameka’s children didn’t reTameka turn to school, she also worried about the attention from the child welfare department. She says staff visited her in spring 2021 after the school reported her children’s absences.

The social workers interviewe­d the children, then said they’d be back to set her up with resources. For more than two years, she says, “they never came back.”

When the kids missed 10 straight days of school that fall, the district removed them from its rolls, citing a state regulation. Tameka now had to re-enroll them.

Suddenly, another tragedy of her partner’s death became painfully obvious. He was carrying all the family’s important documents in his backpack when he died. It was never found.

Slowly, Tameka has tried to replace the missing documents. She says it took more than a year to get Medicaid cards to take her children to the doctor for the health verificati­ons and immunizati­ons the school requires. When she called for a doctor’s appointmen­t in October, the office said the soonest they could see her children was December.

She also needs to show the school her own identifica­tion and a new lease, plus the notarized affidavit. “It’s a lot.”

says no one from the district has offered her guidance. Contact logs show school social workers have sent four emails and called 19 times since the pandemic started. Most calls went to voicemail or didn’t go through because the phone was disconnect­ed. Tameka rarely called back.

The only face-to-face meeting was in October 2021, when Tameka sent her kids on the bus, only to learn they weren’t enrolled. A staffer wrote: “Student lost father in May 2020 and only other barrier is uniforms.”

The social worker said the school would take care of the uniforms. “Mom given enrollment paperwork,” the entry ends.

“Our Student Services Team went above and beyond to help this family,” wrote Atlanta Public Schools communicat­ions director Seth Coleman.

Tameka lacks a working phone with a cell plan. An Associated Press reporter has had to visit in person to communicat­e.

The logs provided by Atlanta Public Schools show only one attempt to visit the family in person, in spring 2021. No one was home.

To many observers, Tameka’s troubles stem from Atlanta’s rapid gentrifica­tion. The city, known for its Black profession­al class, also boasts the country’s largest wealth disparity between Black and white families.

“It looks good from the curb, but when you get inside you see that Black and brown people are worse off economical­ly than in West Virginia,” says Frank Brown, who heads Communitie­s in Schools of Atlanta, which runs dropout-prevention programs.

On a typical school day, Tameka’s children sleep late and stay inside watching television. The youngest, who should be in second grade, has had to settle for “playing school.” She practices her letters and writes her name.

Even at 8, she understand­s it’s not the real thing.

“I want to go to school,” she says, “and see what it’s like.”

The Associated Press education team receives support from the Carnegie Corporatio­n of New York. The AP is solely responsibl­e for all content.

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 ?? BIANCA VÁZQUEZ TONESS/AP ?? Tameka and her 8-year-old-daughter, who has never attended school but would like to, hang out outside their apartment in Atlanta.
BIANCA VÁZQUEZ TONESS/AP Tameka and her 8-year-old-daughter, who has never attended school but would like to, hang out outside their apartment in Atlanta.

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