Antelope Valley Press

Repairing a paper towel holder

- Send a money-saving or time-saving hint to I can’t answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.

Dear Heloise: I recently had to replace the paper towel holder in my kitchen. I bought a spring-loaded one, thinking that would be best. Unfortunat­ely, this wasn’t the case. I tried several fixes, to no avail. I finally glued two used wine corks on the inside to hold the roll. So far, so good. Even a good tug has not dislodged it.

— Lois Paul Port Republic, Va.

No thanks for gifts

Dear Heloise: I have given gifts and not received a “thank you” for them either. So, I call the gift receiver to ask if they received my gift, and this is usually when I get a “thank you.” And the person usually feels somewhat guilty. I am always nice and grateful for the thought and the gift. — Maureen

New York

Well-organized parties

Dear Heloise: My family loves to have outdoor barbecues during the summer months. They are fun, but I like to have them organized. So, I give everyone a task in order to make the event successful. At first, my children didn’t like it, but I have made it fun, with prizes for well-done tasks so that they get used to always helping out. And now we have well-organized gatherings.

— M.C.


Squeaky doors

Dear Heloise: We have several doors that have squeaky door hinges. You can take squeaks out of the door hinges by lubricatin­g the pin with petroleum jelly. Unlike oil, petroleum won’t drip on the floor. No mess.

— reader via email

Dream recorder

Dear Heloise: I enjoy reading your hints. We have a local paper that we read them in from Monday through Saturday. In a recent column, you asked readers what they would like to see invented.

I have always been interested in dreams and what they mean. Some mornings I can remember them better than others, but it would be interestin­g to have a “recorder” that can be hooked up at night so you can watch your dreams the next day on some device.

Sounds a little futuristic, but it might be fun. — Jeff R. Alton, Ill.

Keeping a remote secured

Dear Heloise: I have an adjustable bed that I need to raise and lower due to breathing difficulti­es. There was also a remote for it that I seemed to occasional­ly lose or knock off the nightstand. I’d have to get up in the middle of the night and hunt for my remote. Then, while I was in the hospital, my sister came for a visit to help me. She took the remote, slipped it into a sock, and pinned it to my bed. Now I always know where it is.

As a bonus, I can just slip

my hand inside the sock and press the control buttons to raise and lower my bed.

— P.W.


Cutting calories

Dear Heloise: My husband and I try to watch our calorie intake because we love to ski in the winter, but putting on extra pounds just makes it harder for us. So, instead of using bread for our sandwiches, I roll things like chicken or tuna salad in large Romaine lettuce leaves. I’ve learned to be inventive using Romaine in place of bread, even using it in place of taco shells.

— V.M. Wyoming

 ?? Hints from Heloise ??
Hints from Heloise

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