Antelope Valley Press

Plan to replenish Colorado River could mean dry alfalfa elds; many farmers are for it


A plan to help shore up the depleted Colorado River by cutting off water to alfalfa fields in California’s crop-rich Imperial Valley is finding support from the farmers who grow it.

The Imperial Irrigation District — the biggest user of water from the 1,450-mile river — has offered to pay farmers to shut off irrigation to forage crops including alfalfa for up to 60 days during the peak of the sweltering summer. While farmers often balk at the idea of letting fields lie fallow, at least 80% of properties eligible for the new program have been signed up to participat­e, said Tina Shields, the district’s water department manager.

“We don’t like to do fallowing down here,” Shields said. “They’re making business decisions.”

The move comes as farmers of alfalfa and other crops that feed cattle have seen the price of hay plummet amid rising supply. For many, that means a summer crop of alfalfa could bring in less in revenue than the $300 in federal funding per acre-foot of water that the water district is willing to fork over if they simply stop watering it, experts said.

From California to Arkansas, farmers have reported a stellar year for hay and many are scrambling to find buyers or deciding whether it’s worth paying to store it, said Sue Arnold, executive director of the Ohio-based National Hay Associatio­n.

“They have a lot more hay than they typically have this time of year so their barns are full,” she said of the organizati­on’s members. “They’re scared, ‘I am going to have all this inventory.’”

Hay exporters are struggling with the strong US dollar and some overseas markets are willing to take a lower quality product than the top notch hay grown in the United States, especially in the Imperial Valley, Arnold said.

The idea to pay the farmers to halt irrigation arose last year as part of an agreement among Arizona, Nevada and California to aid the dwindling Colorado River, which provides water to 40 million people in seven US states, parts of Mexico and more than two dozen Native American tribes — and saw water levels decline during a punishing drought.

Under the plan, the federal government agreed to spend $1.2 billion for users to temporaril­y scale back their water use. The goal was to conserve an additional 3 million acrefeet of water through 2026 — with more than half of those cuts coming from California — when current guidelines for how the river is shared expire.

The Imperial Irrigation District, which is California’s biggest user of Colorado River water, drafted the voluntary program for farmers to temporaril­y stop watering Alfalfa, Bermuda grass, or Klein grass in the summer — crops that can withstand going dry for a short while. The idea is to do so when yields are already down in summer, more water is required and dairies tend to keep their number of head low.

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