Antelope Valley Press

Tropico Middle School opens new classrooms, sports venues

- By JULIE DRAKE Valley Press Sta Writer

ROSAMOND — Friday was a big day in the Southern Kern Unified School District as administra­tors, staff members and invited guests celebrated the opening of 28 new classrooms, new basketball and volleyball courts and a new track at Tropico Middle School.

The school got seven buildings with four classrooms in each building. Two of the classrooms are designated to accommodat­e students with special needs. There are also two makerspace labs to continue the district’s work with STEAM (science, technology, engineerin­g, arts and mathematic­s).

“It’s an honor and privilege to be a part of the Tropico Middle School Expansion,” board President Sunni Hepburn said in a statement. “Everything we do here in Southern Kern is for our students, staff, and community. I can’t wait for the school year to begin.”

School starts Aug. 14 in the district.

The $21.5 million project was paid for with state funds the district received more than a decade ago.

“There are so many people to thank for joining us in celebratio­n and their very kind works about the new addition to TMS,” Southern Kern Superinten­dent Barbara Gaines said in a statement.

She added, “It was easy to stand there this morning looking at the finished product and forget about the time, patience, fortitude, change orders, and especially the vision of so many people that led to this beautiful addition to the campus.”

The district held the groundbrea­king ceremony for the project in February 2023, Gaines said. However, the actual planning and Division of State Architect approval started way before that.

 ?? PHOTO COURTESY SOUTHERN KERN UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT ?? Southern Kern Unified School District board Clerk Robert Vincelette, (from left), Assemblyma­n Tom Lackey, board President Sunni Hepburn, district Chief Business Officer Robert Irving district Superinten­dent Barbara Gaines, board Vice President Mario Gutierrez, trustee Brandin Coy and Rawley Davis, director of Maintenanc­e and Operations for the district cut the ribbon Friday celebratin­g 28 new classrooms for Tropico Middle School and other improvemen­ts.
PHOTO COURTESY SOUTHERN KERN UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Southern Kern Unified School District board Clerk Robert Vincelette, (from left), Assemblyma­n Tom Lackey, board President Sunni Hepburn, district Chief Business Officer Robert Irving district Superinten­dent Barbara Gaines, board Vice President Mario Gutierrez, trustee Brandin Coy and Rawley Davis, director of Maintenanc­e and Operations for the district cut the ribbon Friday celebratin­g 28 new classrooms for Tropico Middle School and other improvemen­ts.

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