Antelope Valley Press

How Teslas were really created


Planet Earth is arguably a beautiful place, although I dare say most people would agree. From the mountains, oceans, deserts, lakes, the incredible variety of plants and wildlife (over 8.7 million species), natural beauty abounds and we are here to enjoy it.

Where did it, and where did we come from? Some say it was created somewhat randomly over millions of years of evolution, starting with a huge explosion. Others say it was through the intelligen­t design of a Creator.

Who is right? Well, I believe the developmen­t of the of the Tesla actually provides some insight. I read this a while ago from a scientific journal (although the name of the journal escapes me at the moment). Evidently, about 10,000 years ago, there was a huge explosion in a long-deserted town in the middle of nowhere. The town had a couple of buildings that housed metal, rubber, wire and other materials and there was some livestock around (unfortunat­e victims of the explosion). As a result of the explosion, the metal, materials and livestock that were blown to bits all ended up in a small lake.

Then an interestin­g thing happened over the next 9,000 years. First, from the primordial ooze, for lack of a better term, came some circular rubberized material which had, also for lack of a better term, grown around some of the metal, forming essentiall­y what is now called tires. Scientists think this occurred about 5,000 years ago. Next, scientists theorize that about 1,000 years later, some of the metal and other parts merged together to form axles. The round metal and rubberized material eventually connected to the axles. As this was happening, some of the metal merged with the bits of livestock and formed seats.

Scientists believe that another 2,000 years went by and by this time the seats, axle and tires merged to form the car body. Scientists surmise that during the entire 9,000 years while the body of the car was being formed, that the battery, computer and other components were also forming from other parts.

Finally, during the final 1,000 years, all the parts merged together to form the Tesla, as well as other species of cars we are driving today.

Some people believe the Tesla was the product of intelligen­t design. Isn’t that the silliest thing you ever heard? “Then God said Let there be light …”

Keith Topel


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