Antelope Valley Press

Tech site Gizmodo sold for third time in 8 years


NEW YORK (AP) — Longtime technology news and review site Gizmodo has been sold for the third time in the past eight years, this time to a European publisher looking to expand its coverage of the digital scene.

Paris-based Keleops didn’t disclose how much it paid for Gizmodo in its Tuesday announceme­nt of the deal. The site fetched $135 million in 2016 when Univision Communicat­ions bought it after its previous owner, Gawker Media, went bankrupt after losing a legal battle with former profession­al wrestler Hulk Hogan.

Univision subsequent­ly sold Gizmodo and the satirical publicatio­n The Onion to Boston investment firm Great Hill Partners in 2019 at what was believed to be a fraction of the price paid in the 2016 deal.

G/O Media, a company created by Great Hill after the acquisitio­n, recently sold The Onion to tech executive Jeff Lawson, who became a billionair­e after founding online business software provider Twilio.

Lawson is asking Onion readers to donate $1 to help support it financiall­y. Keleops CEO Jean-Guillaume Kleis, who founded his company a decade ago, plans to carry out a more traditiona­l business strategy by leveraging the brand and reputation that Gizmodo has built during its more than 20 years tracking technology.

“The combinatio­n of Keleops’ unique digital know-how and Gizmodo’s rich content and deep editorial expertise will greatly benefit both our audiences and our partners,” Kleis predicted in a statement.

New York-based Gizmodo attracted worldwide attention in 2010 after buying an early prototype of Apple’s iPhone 4 that Apple’s late co-founder contended was stolen. Jobs, who died in 2011, also accused Gizmodo of trying to extort Apple to get the device back, resulting in an apology from a Gizmodo editor. Local prosecutor­s in Silicon Valley did not file charges in that caper.

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