Antelope Valley Press

Gaza cease-fire plan puts Netanyahu at crossroads


TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — The cease-fire proposal announced by President Joe Biden has placed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at a crossroads, with either path likely to shape the legacy of Israel’s longest-serving and deeply divisive leader.

The proposal offers the possibilit­y of ending Israel’s war against Hamas, returning scores of hostages held by the Islamic militant group, quieting the northern border with Lebanon and potentiall­y advancing a historic agreement to normalize ties with Saudi Arabia.

But it would also likely shatter Netanyahu’s governing coalition, potentiall­y sending him into the opposition and making him more vulnerable to a conviction in his corruption trial. The full withdrawal of Israeli forces called for in the agreement could allow Hamas to claim victory and reconstitu­te itself.

Netanyahu’s rejection of the deal, on the other hand, could deepen Israel’s internatio­nal isolation, worsen ties with an American administra­tion eager to wind down the war and expose him to accusation­s of having abandoned the hostages to save his own skin.

It’s a conundrum, and that may explain the strange choreograp­hy of Biden’s Friday night address: An American president, announcing what he says is an Israeli proposal, during the Jewish sabbath, when Israel’s political class goes largely silent.

Netanyahu acknowledg­ed the proposal, which has been shared with Hamas through mediators, but then appeared to contradict Biden’s remarks. He said Israel remains committed to dismantlin­g Hamas’ military and governing capabiliti­es and that any talk of a permanent cease-fire before then was a “nonstarter.”

On Monday, he said the destructio­n of Hamas is “part of the proposal” and was quoted as telling a closed parliament­ary hearing that Israel reserves the right to return to war if its objectives are not met.

 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS FILES ?? The cease-fire proposal announced by President Joe Biden has placed Prime Minister Netanyahu (above) at a crossroads, with either path likely to shape the legacy of Israel’s longest-serving and deeply divisive leader.
ASSOCIATED PRESS FILES The cease-fire proposal announced by President Joe Biden has placed Prime Minister Netanyahu (above) at a crossroads, with either path likely to shape the legacy of Israel’s longest-serving and deeply divisive leader.

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