Antelope Valley Press

Top US and Chinese o cialnsd begin talks on AI in Geneva

- By JAMEY KEATEN Associated Press

GENEVA — Top envoys from the US and China huddled in closed-door talks in Geneva on Tuesday to discuss ways to ensure that emerging artificial intelligen­ce technologi­es don’t become existentia­l risks.

The talks, which Presidents Joe Biden and Xi Jinping agreed to launch in last 2023, are meant to open up bilateral dialogue between the world’s two biggest economies — and increasing­ly, geopolitic­al rivals — on a fast-moving technology that already has consequenc­es for trade, lifestyles, culture, politics, national security and defense and much more.

US technology experts say the meeting — led on the American side by high-level White House and State Department officials — could offer a glimpse into Beijing’s thinking about AI amid a generally tight-lipped Chinese approach to the technology.

Co-founder Jason Glassberg of Casaba Security in

Redmond, Washington, an expert on new and emerging threats posed by AI, handicappe­d the meeting as a get-toknow-you that will likely yield few concrete results, but get the two sides talking.

“What’s most important right now is that both sides realize they each have a lot to lose if AI becomes weaponized or abused,” Glassberg said in an e-mail. “All parties involved are equally at risk. Right now, one of the biggest areas of risk is with deepfakes, particular­ly for use in disinforma­tion campaigns.”

“This is just as big of a risk for the PRC as it is for the US government,” he added, referring to the People’s Republic of China.

“It’s vitally important that the United States and China begin frank discussion­s about how to improve AI safety,” said Paul Scharre, an AI expert at the Center for New American Security think tank. “The stakes are high and the consequenc­es for AI-related accidents could be severe.”

 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? President Joe Biden (left) greets China’s President Xi Jinping, (right) in Woodside, USA in 2023.
ASSOCIATED PRESS President Joe Biden (left) greets China’s President Xi Jinping, (right) in Woodside, USA in 2023.

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