Antelope Valley Press

Reactions to casualties biased


Afew days ago, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer called on Israeli’s Benjamin Netanyahu to resign. Prior to this, the administra­tion leaked a memo to the press indicating they want regime change in Israel.

All the while, President Joe Biden claims support for Israel is iron clad. Clearly it is not. He tried to coerce Israel several times to pump the brakes in its fight for survival with Hamas, at one point threatenin­g to withhold military aid. It’s shameful treatment of Israel, which is one of this country’s closest allies.

Giving Israel war support while at the same time trying to kneecap their success? It’s not possible that other countries could ever regard the US as an ally, much less a trustworth­y friend, when demonstrat­ing such schizophre­nic type behavior. It’ll take years for the US to overcome this internatio­nally viewed two-faced stigma.

On top of this, Tuesday (April 23) the State Department issued a yearly report listing the world’s worst human rights abusers. On the list: Israel, ahead of Hamas, Iran, the Taliban, China and Cuba. Anthony Blinken, in response, said the US treats Israel the same as all other countries; there’s no difference. At the same time, however, a State Department special envoy for Mideast affairs stated we do in fact hold Israel to different and higher standards than countries.

This report reflects a biased reaction to civilian casualties in Gaza by Israel. It’s a known fact Israel does more than any other country to avoid civilian casualties. In fact, Israel has a better record than the US. Israel warns civilians in advance by alerts giving details of when and where to evacuate to. And for clarity, did Hamas do anything like this prior to their Oct. 7 sneak attack?

All pressure to end the fighting is one-sidedly directed at Israel. None is on Hamas or Iran. Where are the demands for Hamas to release the hostages or to cease the hostilitie­s? Where are those calls?

The backdrop to this is the overwhelmi­ng and disgusting­ly pathetic anti-American, with demonstrat­ions going on across the country and on many university campuses. The latest reports indicate George Soros is paying agitators and activists to instigate much of the turmoil and violence among the brainwashe­d ignorance of today’ youth.

Isn’t this insurrecti­on? Who could have imagined this day could ever come to this country?

Dave Walker Palmdale

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