Antelope Valley Press

Italian fashion designer Roberto Cavalli is dead at age 83


ROME (AP) — Italian fashion designer Roberto Cavalli, known for a flamboyant, glamorous style and textile innovation­s, has died at age 83, his company announced.

“Dear Roberto, you may not be physically here with us anymore but I know I will feel your spirit with me always,” Fausto Puglisi, creative director at Roberto Cavalli since October 2020, wrote in an Instagram post.

“Rest in peace, you will be missed and you are loved by so many that your name will continue on, a beacon of inspiratio­n for others, and especially for me,” Puglisi added.

Born in Florence on Nov. 15, 1940, from a family of artists, Cavalli was orphaned of his father at just four years old, as he was killed in a Nazi roundup known as the Cavriglia massacre in 1944.

Cavalli became renowned in the early 1970s for his animal prints and an excessive, sexy style that remained his trademark throughout his long career.

“It is with deep regret and a great sadness the Roberto Cavalli Maison participat­es in the passing of its founder Roberto Cavalli,” his company said in a statement. “From humble beginnings in Florence, Roberto succeeded in becoming a globally recognized name loved and respected by all. (His) legacy will live on via his creativity, his love of nature and via his family who he cherished.”

After founding his own fashion house in the early 1970s, Cavalli quickly became an iconic brand, loved by top celebritie­s like Madonna, Gwyneth Paltrow and Beyoncé.

Cavalli patented a new printing method for leather and debuted the patchwork denim that was one of his trademarks in Florence’s Palazzo Pitti in 1972. He revolution­ized jeans, creating a sandblasti­ng technique to give denim a distressed look, and adding Lycra to jeans to make them sexier, stretchy.

Cavalli took frequent inspiratio­n from the natural world, featuring animal prints and fish-scale sequins. The Cavalli woman ranged from hippie to slick rocker, in diaphanous gowns that caught the air, seductive beaded dresses or sexy skinny suits.

As his fashion house recalled on Friday, Cavalli’s explained once his “animalier” inspiratio­n with a popular quote: “I copy the dress of an animal because I love to copy God. I think God is the most fantastic designer.”

He stepped back from designing about a decade ago, after ceding 90% of the company to the Clessidra private equity group. The company is now controlled by Auriel Investment SA.

 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Italian fashion designer Roberto Cavalli (center) acknowledg­es the applause of the audience after presenting the Roberto Cavalli men’s Spring-Summer 2015 collection, part of the Milan Fashion Week, in Milan, Italy on June 24, 2014.
ASSOCIATED PRESS Italian fashion designer Roberto Cavalli (center) acknowledg­es the applause of the audience after presenting the Roberto Cavalli men’s Spring-Summer 2015 collection, part of the Milan Fashion Week, in Milan, Italy on June 24, 2014.

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