Antelope Valley Press

Teaching children how to care for the Earth

- Hints from Heloise

Dear Heloise: Last month, I got my five grandkids started on a project that I hope will be lifelong. I took egg cartons and filled each egg slot with dirt. Then we planted seeds in each of the egg slots. They got so excited when the tiny green leaves started to sprout.

My goal is simple. I want them to learn to grow food and understand how good food tastes straight from the garden. I want them to learn how important it is that we all take care of the Earth and feed not only ourselves but others as well. This is how I taught my own children to appreciate and care for the world around them.

— Sandra K.

Joplin, Mo.

A sanitary lunch

Dear Heloise: My daughter could get lunch from the school’s cafeteria, but I choose to pack a lunch for her because there’s too much fat and salt in her school’s lunches. But more importantl­y, I also include a packet that contains a moist towelette for her to wipe her hands with before and after lunch.

Since the pandemic, I’ve been especially careful about handwashin­g and how it can prevent the transmissi­on of bacteria. We lost family to COVID. — Hannah W. Santa Fe, NM

Taking clothes to the dry cleaner

Dear Readers: Be certain to point out spots or stains when you take your clothes to the dry cleaner so that they can place a sticker on them. This way, the spots will get proper attention and won’t get missed. Try to remember what caused the stain because this can help the dry cleaner decide which kind of remover to use. — Heloise

Send a money-saving or time-saving hint to I can’t answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.

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