Antelope Valley Press

AP tally: At least 2,000 arrested in campus protests


LOS ANGELES — Police have arrested more than 2,000 people during pro-Palestinia­n protests at college campuses across the United States in recent weeks, according to an Associated Press tally Thursday.

Demonstrat­ions and arrests have occurred in almost every corner of the nation. In the last 24 hours, they’ve drawn the most attention at the University of California, Los Angeles, where chaotic scenes played out early Thursday when officers in riot gear surged against a crowd of demonstrat­ors.

Hundreds of protesters at UCLA defied orders to leave, some forming human chains as police fired flashbangs to break up the crowds.

At least 200 people were arrested, said Sgt. Alejandro Rubio of the California Highway Patrol, citing data from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. Rubio said they were being booked at the county jails complex near downtown Los Angeles.

Another 300 people voluntaril­y left throughout the hourslong standoff, some filing out of the encampment with their hands over their heads in a show of peaceful surrender, according to the university. Others ran away as baton-wielding officers pushed into the hordes that numbered more than 1,000 people.

Later Thursday morning, workers removed barricades and dismantled the protesters’ fortified encampment. Bulldozers scooped up bags of trash and tents. Royce Hall was covered in graffiti.

Tent encampment­s of protesters calling on universiti­es to stop doing business with Israel or companies they say support the war in Gaza have spread across campuses nationwide in a student movement unlike any other this century.

The demonstrat­ions began at Columbia University on April 17, with students calling for an end to the Israel-Hamas war, which has killed more than 34,000 Palestinia­ns in the Gaza Strip, according to the Health Ministry there. Israel launched its offensive in Gaza after Hamas militants killed about 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and took roughly 250 hostages in an attack on southern Israel on Oct. 7.

UCLA Chancellor Gene Block said in statement Thursday that the encampment had become “a focal point for serious violence as well as a huge disruption.” He said days of clashes between demonstrat­ors and counterdem­onstrators endangered people on campus, students were unable to get to class, buildings had to be closed and classes were canceled.

“The past week has been among the most painful periods our UCLA community has ever experience­d,” he said. “It has fractured our sense of togetherne­ss and frayed our bonds of trust, and will surely leave a scar on the campus.”

California Highway Patrol officers poured into the UCLA campus by the hundreds early Thursday. Wearing face shields and protective vests, they held their batons out to separate themselves from demonstrat­ors, who wore helmets and gas masks and chanted: “You want peace. We want justice.”

For hours, officers warned over loudspeake­rs that there would be arrests if the crowd did not disperse. Protesters and police shoved and scuffled. Police helicopter­s hovered and the sound of flash-bangs pierced the air. Police pulled off protesters’ helmets and goggles as they made arrests.

Police methodical­ly tore apart the encampment’s barricade of plywood, pallets, metal fences and dumpsters, then pulled down canopies and tents.

The law enforcemen­t presence and continued warnings contrasted with the scene Tuesday night, when counterdem­onstrators attacked the pro-Palestinia­n encampment. No one was arrested, but at least 15 protesters were injured.

Authoritie­s’ tepid response drew criticism from political leaders, including California Gov. Gavin Newsom and officials pledged an independen­t review.

Ariel Dardashti, a graduating UCLA senior studying global studies and sociology, said no student should feel unsafe on campus.

“It should not get to the point where students are being arrested,” Dardashti said on campus Thursday.

Dardashti said he can relate to the trauma suffered by Palestinia­ns.

“When my dad was fleeing Iran, he prayed that his children wouldn’t have to face antisemiti­sm,” Dardashti said. “We’re afraid of having to flee again in the same way our parents did.”

Iranian state television carried live images of the police action at UCLA, as did Qatar’s pan-Arab Al Jazeera satellite network. Live images of Los Angeles also played across Israeli television networks.

Israel has branded the protests antisemiti­c, while Israel’s critics say it uses those allegation­s to silence opposition. Although some protesters have been caught on camera making antisemiti­c remarks or violent threats, protest organizers — some of whom are Jewish — call it a peaceful movement to defend Palestinia­n rights and protest the war.

President Joe Biden on Thursday defended the students’ right to peaceful protest but decried the disorder of recent days.

California Republican leaders blasted university administra­tions for failing to protect Jewish students and allowing protests to escalate into “lawlessnes­s and violence.” They called for the firing of leaders at UCLA and Cal Poly Humboldt and pushed for a proposal that would cut pay for university administra­tors.

“We’ve got a whole lot of people in these universiti­es drawing six figure salaries and they stood by and did nothing,” Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher told reporters.

Meanwhile, protest encampment­s at schools across the US were cleared by police — resulting in more arrests — or closed up voluntaril­y.

A college professor from Illinois said he suffered multiple broken ribs and a broken hand during a pro-Palestine protest on Saturday at Washington University in St. Louis.

Bystander video shows the arrest of Steve Tamari, a history professor at Southern Illinois University Edwardsvil­le. He seems to be moving in to take video or photos of protesters being detained when multiple officers roughly take him down.

In a post on the social platform X, Sandra Tamari said her husband needed surgery on his hand and has nine broken ribs.

Tamari said in a statement Thursday that it was “a small price to pay for Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza.” Campus police referred questions to the university’s communicat­ions department, which did not respond to a request for comment.

Elsewhere, University of Minnesota officials reached an agreement with protesters not to disrupt commenceme­nts. Similar agreements have been made at Northweste­rn University in suburban Chicago and Brown University in Rhode Island.

Meanwhile, a professors group at Columbia University condemned school leadership on Thursday for asking police to remove protesters in what the group called a “horrific police attack on our students.” Officers burst into a building Tuesday, breaking up a demonstrat­ion that had paralyzed the school.

 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Police advance on pro-Palestinia­n demonstrat­ors Thursday on the UCLA campus in Westwood. More than 2,000 people have been arrested nationwide during pro-Palestinia­n protests at college campuses.
ASSOCIATED PRESS Police advance on pro-Palestinia­n demonstrat­ors Thursday on the UCLA campus in Westwood. More than 2,000 people have been arrested nationwide during pro-Palestinia­n protests at college campuses.

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