Antelope Valley Press

This isn’t exactly climate change


The Ford Motor Co. lost $4.7 billion on electric vehicles last year. They are projecting to lose

$5 to $5.5 billion this fiscal year. That’s not helping the climate change nazis’ wants list.

I read that plastic bottles can only be recycled one to 10 times depending on type of plastic. Glass bottles can be recycled an infinite number of times. When I was young, I remember having to pay a deposit on NEHI soda bottles when you bought a soda. But if you brought a bottle to trade in, you didn’t pay

I worked at a place named Thatcher Glass in Saugus when I got out of school before going in the Air Force. We used to get overtime to break bottles. It turns out it causes bubbles in the molten glass if you don’t break them. Champagne bottles are hardest to break. So the bottle of beer you are drinking out of could have hundred year old Glass in it.

Researcher­s in the Netherland­s tracked more than 2,700 children aged 11 to mid-20s about feelings of their gender. In the beginning one in 10 children (11%) expressed “gender non-contentedn­ess” to varying degrees. However, by age 25, only 4% said they “often” or even “sometimes” were discontent with their gender. It seems that they discovered that children actually do grow out of things. But our ultra-left-wing woke liberal Democrats believe that the only way to save these children is drugs and surgical mutilation.

According to AAA, insurance for EVs cost 25% more than convention­al autos. The cost to repair them is much higher because they need specially trained technician­s and tools. They may require less maintenanc­e, but the maintenanc­e they do require cost more.

The Supreme Court says the old fool in the White House can’t forgive college loans, but he’s going to do it anyway. So who’s acting like a dictator?

Steve Brewer Rosamond

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