Antelope Valley Press

Free Ten Dollar Gift Certificat­e offered at Rio LDaistcion­veBr tihsetrFeo­e!l and Taste of Miami in the AV!


Riio Latin Bistro is a popular Restaurant on the Blvd. in Lancaster that serves food from 9 menus from 9 different Latin American Countries. Rio Latin Bistro recently remodeled and is better than ever! Rio Latin Bistro’s owner is doing something special right now! Rio Latin Bistro’s owner is offering a FREE 10 DOLLAR GIFT CERTIFICAT­E! That’s a Certificat­e good for 10 Dollars that you can use at Rio Latin Bistro with no strings attached and no surprises! To get your Ten Dollar Gift Certificat­e clip it out of this edition of Best Bites in the Rio Latin Bistro Ad. Hurry and clip yours out because this offer will be ending soon Last year Rio Latin Bistro earned “Favorite Retauraunt” in the AV’s Best awards. In prior years, Rio has won best Buffet and Best BBQ.

Rio had multiple nomination­s in new categories this year in 2024 and when the 2024 AV’s Best ballots are counted there is a chance that Rio wins something again. Rio Latin Bistro’s popularity is currently at an all time high in the AV. Rio Latin Bistro’s customer service goes above and beyond to provide an exceptiona­l experience for it’s customers. They work as a team and you can feel the positive vibe while you eat at Rio Latin Bistro.

Rio Latin Bistro is home of that world - famous Cuban Sandwich that everyone in the Antelope Valley is talking about. If you have ever experience­d the tasty, juicy meat at Rio Latin Bistro than you understand why this Restaurant is so special.

Rio Latin Bistro is a “popular” and “trendy” Restaurant that takes it’s customer service and the taste of the food that they serve very seriously.

If you would like to have a very enjoyable dining experience and enjoy a great selection from the Rio Latin Bistro Menu. Be sure to visit Rio Latin Bistro on the Blvd. in Lancaster.

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