Antelope Valley Press

State sets awaited drinking water limit for contaminan­t


LOS ANGELES — California regulators voted Wednesday to establish a drinking water limit on hexavalent chromium, a toxic chemical compound made infamous by the movie “Erin Brockovich.”

The rule is the first in the nation to specifical­ly target the heavy metal, known as chromium-6, and is expected to reduce the number of cancer and kidney disease cases from long-term ingestion, state officials say.

The proposal was unanimousl­y passed by the State Water Resources Control Board, though it needs approval from the Office of Administra­tive Law to take effect.

The standard could inspire other states to adopt their own. More than 200 million Americans are estimated to have the chemical compound in their drinking water, according to an analysis of federal water testing data by the Environmen­tal Working Group, a nonprofit research and advocacy organizati­on.

Until now, California combined its drinking water standard for chromium-6 with the less toxic trivalent chromium, an essential nutrient. California’s new limit on chromium-6 is 10 parts per billion — about 10 drops of water in a swimming pool.

“I know there’s mixed feelings about this decision today … that we should be at a lower standard,” board member Sean Maguire said before the vote. “But I do want to take a step back and look at California as compared to the rest of the nation, and I think here we are actually leading the way.”

Community members and health advocates worry California’s limit doesn’t do enough to protect public health from the metal. They want the state to adopt a drinking water limit closer to the public health goal of 0.02 parts per billion, the level scientists have said does not pose significan­t health risks.

“This really leaves a lot of California communitie­s unprotecte­d from that really potent carcinogen,” said Tasha Stoiber, senior scientist with the Environmen­tal Working Group.

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