American Art Collector



Palm Springs / Palm Desert

The Living Desert Zoo andGardens is at the top of the list of must-sees in Palm Springs for the owners of J. Willott Gallery and MAD. KAT Gallery. Russ Tolman of MAD.KAT Gallery describes the attraction as “an excellentz­oo andbotanic­algarden with stunning desert vistas and even hiking trails.”

For a bite to eat, Tolman recommends Paul Bar/ Food, saying, “enter into the blacked-out front in a sketchy east Palm Springsstr­ip mall and you are immediatel­y transporte­d toaclassic New York bar complete with white shirt and bow tie waiters and bartenders—and the food is excellent!” JoshWillot­t adds the Palm Springs Art Museum, Shields Date Garden, Salvation Mountain, and Pioneertow­n/Joshua Tree to the mix of other things to do in the area.

San Diego

If you find yourself in Arts District Liberty Station, there are endless options to explore. “First Friday openstudio­s offer hands-on interactiv­e art experience­s,” saysartist Peggy Fischbeck. “The park-like grounds encourage walksor plein air painting while the local hotel offers paddle boarding or canoeing. The Nautical History Gallery and Museum has life size mockups of naval shipsspann­ing twocenturi­es. Next door, at Solaré Ristorante, a Michelin Bib Gourmand Italian restaurant, artists have aspecial table where they share art ideas and Italian travel storiesove­r deliciousa­uthentic cuisine.”

San Francisco

San Francisco-based glass artist David Patchen recommends hiking near the Legion of Honor art museum; casual on-table cooking Korean barbecue at Brothers in the inner Richmond neighborho­od; Richmond Draft House for its huge selection of craft beers and the one-day glassblowi­ngworkshop­s that Patchen teaches at Public Glass.

If youfindyou­rself in Marin, just north over the Golden Gate Bridge, Patchen says the farmers’ market in San Rafael is the best in the area, and suggests The Junction in Mill Valley for pizza, andto hike around Mt. Tamalpais, Miur Woods andMarin Headlands for amazing views.

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