Albany Times Union

Lola Saratoga hit again in smash and grab

- By Wendy Liberatore

GUILDERLAN­D — Lola Saratoga, a boutique for designer bags, was the victim of another smash and grab — this time at its Stuyvesant Plaza location early Tuesday.

Owner Megan Druckman said within three minutes suspects cleaned her out of luxury handbags that go for about $1,000 each. This is the second hit to her business, the first one taking place on Dec. 12 at her store on Broadway in Saratoga Springs. Druckman said that smash and grab resulted in her losing about $120,000 in designer bag merchandis­e.

“Overall, this is very dishearten­ing as a small business owner who has to go through this,” Druckman said. “This is the second time within six months.”

The boutique, closed for the next week, has surveillan­ce cameras.

Guilderlan­d police said the burglary took place about 12:43 a.m. A preliminar­y investigat­ion revealed three men smashed the front store window, making entry and stealing merchandis­e. The suspects fled in a newer model, white Honda SUV. Anyone who may have surveillan­ce video or may have observed suspicious individual­s, vehicles or activity in that area are urged to contact Investigat­or Christophe­r Oades at 518-3561501 or email at

In Saratoga Springs, Druckman said that burglary is still under investigat­ion. During that incident, two men broke into the shop at 5 a.m. by allegedly smashing through the glass door. They swiped the valuable merchandis­e in less than two minutes. The two men, police said, then left the scene, heading north on Broadway in a dark-colored sedan.

While dishearten­ed for her business, Druckman said that she has “great support from clients, staff and plaza.”

She said shoppers can visit her Saratoga Springs boutique or shop online. 450 BERGEN 718, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 06/11/24. Office: Albany County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC, 458 Clinton Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11238. Purpose: Any lawful purpose.

Notice of formation of KPDM2 Consulting LLC. Articles of Organizati­on filed with New York State Dept. of State on 07/12/2024. The County within this state in which the office of the limited liability company is located in is Schenectad­y. The Secretary of State is designated as agent upon whom process against it may be served. The address to which the Secretary of State shall mail process is to the limited liability company at 1464 Lexington Ave, Schenectad­y, NY 12309. Company is organized for any lawful purpose.

 ?? Courtesy Megan Druckman ?? This smashed cabinet at Lola Saratoga in Stuyvesant Plaza used to carry designer, luxury handbags.
Courtesy Megan Druckman This smashed cabinet at Lola Saratoga in Stuyvesant Plaza used to carry designer, luxury handbags.

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