Albany Times Union

Wembanyama returns home as major attraction at Games

- By Kyle Hightower AP SPORTS WRITER

PARIS — Sports often are a secondary attraction in Paris, with athletes having a difficult time standing out in a cultural sphere driven largely by food, fashion and the arts.

Victor Wembanyama may use the Paris Olympics to be the first homegrown sports star to dismantle that dynamic.

The 7-foot-4 Frenchborn phenom made San Antonio Spurs NBA games appointmen­t viewing as a rookie in the league this past season, boosting his already swelling global brand. Now the 20-year-old is returning home for the Paris Games as by far the biggest name in his country’s Olympic delegation.

Wembanyama literally will be a center of attention this month, and not just because of what he can do on the court, but because he’s become a central figure with the charisma to draw in both ardent sports fans and casual French citizens alike.

“I tend to underestim­ate the fan enthusiasm for me. I don’t pay more attention to it than that,” Wembanyama said recently. “But when I returned to France a few weeks ago for the first time, I felt the enthusiasm of the public that was different from before.”

The arrival of “Wemby” in the NBA, the world’ most premier basketball league, had been anticipate­d for years as his reputation and skill set stood out while he came up through the ranks of French basketball.

It was not unlike the rise of 25-year-old French soccer star Kylian Mbappé, who at just 18 helped lead

France to a World Cup title in 2018 and another World Cup final in 2022 while simultaneo­usly taking his place as one of club soccer’s top players.

But after month’s announceme­nts that Mbappé had officially left local Paris Saint-germain to join La Liga power Real Madrid, followed by news that he won’t be competing for the host country in the Olympics , it’s put even more focus on Wembanyama, who said he’s always held the Olympic stage in high regard.

“I have been preparing for them since the first time I saw the Olympics on TV,” Wembanyama said. “It was always a dream and then as we grew up it became a goal. It’s definitely something that’s really unique in sport. I think it’s the most important sporting event in the world.”

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