Albany Times Union


- Compiled by Azra Haqqie

Scots Day celebratio­n scheduled for Saturday

TICONDEROG­A — Explore Scottish history, heritage and culture during a Scots Day celebratio­n on Saturday at Fort Ticonderog­a, 102 Fort Ti Road.

Musket demonstrat­ions will highlight the equipment, clothing and tactics of the red-coated Scottish soldier, during the defining military campaigns that shaped history. Performanc­es by Vermont Highland Dance, the Leathersto­cking District Pipe Band, and the Fifes and Drums of Fort Ticonderog­a. Merchants will sell kilts, crafts and other gifts.

A tour at 2:30 p.m. will highlight Fort Ticonderog­a’s connection with the Outlander television series. There will be guided tours and a remembranc­e service on the Carillon Battlefiel­d at the Memorial Cairn.

For more informatio­n, call 518-585-2821 or go to https://www.fortticond­

Wildlife Preserve plans activities

GANSEVOORT — The following events are scheduled at Wilton Wildlife Preserve & Park:

• Fire tower climb, 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Visitors can also see a re-created fire ranger cabin complete with a vegetable garden.

Parking will be available in Parking lot 3 on Scout Road.

• Guided nature walks, 10:30 a.m. June 17 and 24 starting at one of the park’s trailheads. Future dates are July 1, 15 and 29 and Aug. 12 and 26. Registrati­on required. Walk at 4 p.m. June 20 on the trails of Camp Saratoga on Scout Road.

• Hooked on Nature, an informal gettogethe­r for fiber arts lovers, 3 to 4:30 p.m. June 14 and 28 at Camp Saratoga. Bring yarn, needles and lawn chairs in a natural setting on the second and fourth Friday of the month. Future dates are July 12 and 26, and Aug. 9 and 23.

Registrati­on is required for all programs: https://www.wiltonpres­

Alzheimer’s informatio­n night offered

SALEM — Experts will speak at an Alzheimer’s informatio­n night at 6 p.m. Tuesday, June 18 at the Historic Salem Courthouse, 58 East Broadway in support of “Paint the Town Purple,” an initiative aimed at raising awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s disease research, education and support.

Representa­tives from the associatio­n will answer questions at an educationa­l night. Attendees can learn about power of attorney and health care proxy, Project Life Saver and the Yellow Dot program and get help in navigating Medicaid and Medicare. The event is in collaborat­ion with the Alzheimer’s Associatio­n of Northeast New York and sponsored by Rooted in Salem, an art gallery.

For more informatio­n, go to https://­rnny.

Ham operators join nationwide event

VOORHEESVI­LLE — Ham radio operators from the Albany Amateur Radio Associatio­n will participat­e in Field Day, a nationwide amateur radio exercise on June 22 and 23 under “off grid” conditions at the Hales Cave area of John Boyd Thacher State Park, 830 Thacher Park Road.

Hams from across North America ordinarily participat­e in Field Day by establishi­ng temporary ham radio stations in public locations to demonstrat­e their skill and service. Members of the public may visit and try ham radio for themselves. For more informatio­n, go to

Invasive species topic of program

COBLESKILL — A presentati­on on invasive species in our region will be offered at 1 p.m. June 26 at the Cornell Cooperativ­e Extension Schoharie Extension Center, 173 South Grand St.

Scott Mills, Schoharie master gardener volunteer, will talk about nonnative species that can cause harm to the environmen­t, the economy or human health. As internatio­nal trade increases and our climate changes, so does the rate of invasive species introducti­ons.

Register by June 24. Call 607-5472536, Ext. 235 or go to https://cceschohar­

Entries sought for photo contest

ALBANY — The state Department of Environmen­tal Conservati­on presents a monthly contest seeking Pride Month submission­s through June 30 to highlight keeping state lands welcoming to all.

This year’s online “Love Our New York Lands” photo contest will feature five monthly themes through midoctober. Submission­s should be emailed to with the subject line “LONYL Photo Contest.”

Themes for future months of the contest will be announced later this summer. For more informatio­n, go to

Political Corruption museum unveils exhibit

ALBANY — History enthusiast­s, students, scholars and the public can explore the complex history of political corruption in Albany at the Museum of Political Corruption’s Albany Room exhibition.

The online exhibit is a showcase into the machinatio­ns, scandals and reforms that have shaped the city’s political landscape. The exhibit features informativ­e and interactiv­e displays that illustrate the pivotal moments and key figures in the battle against corruption.

The exhibition is available at https:// museumofpo­liticalcor­

Also of interest

• Martin Van Buren National Historic Site will host Linden Flowers and Other Phenology at Lindenwald, with a look at how a changing climate is affecting the timing of seasonal events at Lindenwald, including an opportunit­y to visit the June-flowering American Basswoods (“Lindens”), on Saturday. Tours will be available at 11:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. Sign up at the Visitor Center.

• Senior citizens, age 60 and older who are on a limited income, can stretch their food dollars while supporting local farmers by participat­ing in a nutrition program available through the Greene County Department of Human Services. To receive a booklet with SFMNP checks that can be used to purchase local, fresh produce, contact Greene County Senior Service Centers or go to https:// www.greenegove­

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