Albany Times Union (Sunday)

Tractor Supply made the wrong choice in dropping DEI, climate provisions


Joe Montello quit his $80,000-a-year job at a Tractor Supply store in Saranac Lake after the company discontinu­ed its diversity, equity and inclusion policies June 27 (“Retailer drops diversity efforts, and employees quit,” July 14). It will no longer submit data to the Human Rights Campaign that supports the LGBTQ community and will eliminate its carbon emissions reduction goals. Montello, who is gay and a principled man, took the

Imagine a New York where the air is cleaner, energy bills are lower and we are no longer dependent on finite resources. This vision isn’t a distant dream; it’s achievable with renewable energy.

In New York, solar energy is quickly gaining popularity. According to the New York State Energy Research and Developmen­t Authority, the state has installed enough solar panels to power more than 500,000 homes. The benefits are apparent. Technology breakthrou­ghs and economic effectiven­ess have resulted in a notable rise in the use of renewable energy. Solar panel prices have decreased by 89 percent since 2010, making them more affordable.

The fight against climate change depends heavily on renewable energy. When fossil fuels are burned, toxic moral high road and did what many others cannot do. We wish him luck in his search for another job.

The company states that it is reacting to complaints by its customers, but is this true? It is an odd switch because its CEO, Hal Lawton, published an op-ed in October 2021 in The Tennessean titled, “Why businesses should follow Tractor Supply’s push for diversity, inclusion and climate change prevention.”

Lawton is a member of the Great American Economic greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere, which causes global warming and harsh weather. Renewable energy sources emit little to no emissions and contribute to a healthier, cleaner world.

Since renewable energy sources depend on the weather, some argue they are unreliable. However, these concerns are being addressed by advancemen­ts in energy storage and smart grid technologi­es, guaranteei­ng a steady and dependable electricit­y supply.

The transition to renewable energy is not just an environmen­tal imperative, it is an economic one. By investing in renewables, we can create millions of jobs, stimulate economic growth and ensure energy security for future generation­s.

The time to act is now.

Tehreem Fatima


Revival Industry Groups created by former President Donald Trump during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of the industries under this rubric don’t support DEI and climate initiative­s. Those that do such as Anheuser-Busch, Target and Disney are under attack, and some, like Tractor Supply, have caved to the pressure. Lawton’s yearly compensati­on as CEO is $11.37 million, perhaps too much to risk.

This trend is especially unsettling when evidence in support of gender and race


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