Akron Beacon Journal

Megan Keleman’s death can lead to meaningful change

- Your Turn Casey Weinstein Guest columnist Casey Weinstein is a Democratic state representa­tive from Hudson.

In a senseless act of violence, Megan Keleman lost her life Aug. 14 in a Taco Bell drive-thru in Stow. Her tragic death, at the hands of a man grappling with profound mental health issues, has galvanized her family. The Kelemans have emerged as powerful advocates for reform, seeking to prevent future tragedies through common-sense gun laws.

As I reflect on Megan's life and the painful loss her family endures, it's clear we have a responsibi­lity to address gaps in our current laws and protect our communitie­s.

Megan was a vibrant young woman whose life was marked by purpose and promise. A recent graduate with an M.B.A. from Cleveland State University, Megan was dedicated to helping troubled children through her work at Shelter Care, a nonprofit organizati­on. Her family describes her as a born leader, someone who brought light and energy into every room she entered. Her dreams were cut short in a violent tragedy that should never have happened.

In the wake of this devastatin­g event, I had the honor of meeting Megan's family. The Kelemans were gracious enough to invite me into their home. I was able to sit down and hear directly from them on how important this is to their family. Their grief is palpable, but so is their resolve. They're pushing for reform and common-sense gun safety legislatio­n; not only out of personal loss but out of a deep desire to see change that can prevent others from experienci­ng their heartache. It's only with their permission I'm making the public call to action in Megan's memory.

Like a majority of Ohioans, Democrats at the Statehouse deeply believe in sensible measures to improve public safety, ensure responsibl­e gun ownership, and finally end this public health crisis plaguing our country.

This includes raising the minimum age to buy a firearm to 21, making safe storage of guns mandatory and requiring basic competency permits for concealed carry. We're also advocating for universal background checks and red flag laws to keep guns out of the hands of those who pose a risk to themselves and others.

These are not radical demands but reasonable steps grounded in the principle that the right to own a gun comes with the responsibi­lity to ensure it is handled safely and does not pose a threat to public safety. Megan's story underscore­s the need for such measures. The perpetrato­r of this crime, despite his troubling history, was able to acquire and retain firearms. This glaring oversight is precisely what these legislativ­e proposals seek to address.

These bills align with the goals of preventing gun violence and ensuring gun ownership is managed responsibl­y. However, progress has been impeded by significan­t roadblocks. Opposition from entrenched special interests and political cowardice have stalled any action. The challenge we face in the Statehouse is not just crafting effective legislatio­n, but also overcoming the consistent resistance that stifles progress.

As civil rights leader Fannie Lou Hamer said, “I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.” I'm also angry. But Megan's death is a stark reminder of the continued need to fight. Her family's call for change is a plea for a safer Ohio, where tragedies like hers are prevented by proactive measures and sensible laws. As we move forward, it's crucial we take the need for gun safety measures seriously and act decisively. By supporting these proposals, we can honor Megan's memory and make our communitie­s safer for everyone.

In addressing this issue, we must remember that this is not about partisansh­ip but the shared responsibi­lity to protect lives. This should not be a weekly, daily or hourly occurrence − especially when such tragedies are preventabl­e.

Last month, the gun violence public health crisis took Megan from us. This week, it was several students at a Georgia high school, the year's first school mass shooting. Sadly, there will be more.

As Megan's family has shown, real change is possible when we come together in the pursuit of change that prioritize­s people first.

Let us heed their call and work together to make Ohio a safer place. That is the least we owe Megan, her family, and every single person that has fallen victim to gun violence.

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