Akron Beacon Journal

State to enforce constructi­on zone driver rules

- Jessie Balmert

Dana King remembers every moment about the day she learned her 21-yearold son Alex had been hit and killed while working at a constructi­on site in Butler County.

King remembers what she was wearing and what she ate for breakfast on June 7, 2021. “I remember the feeling of terror when I was told Alex was hurt and nobody could tell me if he was OK.”

Alex King loved his family and his pet boxer named Sadie. He loved to fish and loved his new truck. Now, his mother is pleading with drivers to pay more attention while driving in constructi­on zones.

“All I can ask of you is that you please slow down. Pay attention. Put your phone down and realize these accidents happen in a split second,” Dana King said. “One small distractio­n can cause a lifetime of devastatio­n.”

Now, Ohio is stepping up enforcemen­t of traffic violations in constructi­on zones this summer − an active time for both constructi­on and crashes.

Ohio State Highway Patrol will focus on 10 locations statewide, issuing tickets and educating drivers about the dangers of speeding and distractio­ns in those areas. They will use motorcycle­s, helicopter­s and their vehicles to monitor poor driving. Federal money is helping to pay for troopers’ overtime.

“They are inherently dangerous jobs,” Gov. Mike DeWine said of road constructi­on crews. “We don’t have to make them more dangerous. We’re trying to make them safer.”

The locations that will see an increase in enforcment include: Interstate 70 in Muskingum County.

Interstate 75 in Montgomery County, Auglaize County and Hancock County.

Interstate 77 in Summit County. Interstate 475 and Interstate 280 in Lucas County.

Interstate 90 in Cuyahoga County. Ohio 32 in Brown County. Interstate 71 in Clinton and Fayette counties.

The Ohio Department of Transporta­tion is also using rumble strips to slow down workers on Interstate 75 in Dayton and Interstate 70 in Zanesville. ODOT uses electronic signs to alert drivers of slowdowns ahead. So far, the constructi­on in downtown Columbus closing the southbound ramp from state

Route 315 to I-70 had not led to an increase in crashes, ODOT Director Jack Marchbanks said.

Dangers inside constructi­on zones

Since 2019, nearly 26,000 crashes have occurred in Ohio constructi­on zones, resulting in more than 9,000 people injured and 99 deaths.

Constructi­on worker Steve Cook was an only child, but you might not have known it. His coworkers were like family to him, and they would be the last people to see him alive in a constructi­on zone on Interstate 70 west of Columbus.

The 59-year-old husband, father and grandfathe­r died after being struck by an impaired driver in September 2017. His wife, Linda Cook, didn’t have the chance to say goodbye to the love of her life.

“Innocent, hardworkin­g people are being killed while they are on their job,” Linda Cook said. “This is senseless and it needs to stop.”

So far this year, 46 people have been struck in constructi­on zones compared to 56 times for all of 2023, Marchbanks said.

“My goal, my mission is to ask everyone when you arrive at a highway work zone to please be patient and be aware of the surroundin­gs,” Linda Cook said.

What is the Move Over law?

Ohio law requires drivers to move over a lane for police, emergency vehicles, road constructi­on and other vehicles with flashing lights. If the driver can’t shift lanes, they are required to slow down. The law was passed in 1999 and expanded in 2013.

Ohio lawmakers have pitched changes to expand that law. Sen. Steve Wilson, R-Maineville, introduced Senate Bill 178 to require drivers to move over for vehicles stopped on the side of the road with hazard lights on. House Bill 429 from Reps. Gary Click and Mark Johnson, both Republican­s, would increase fines for traffic violations in constructi­on zones.

DeWine said he would likely be in favor of efforts to make constructi­on zones more safe. But for now, he hopes this focus on constructi­on zones will act as a deterrent.

“The amount of the fines may be relevant. It may be helpful to increase that,” DeWine said. “The most important thing is the feeling from the driver that when I’m in a constructi­on zone, I may well get a ticket.”

Jessie Balmert is a reporter for the USA TODAY Network Ohio Bureau, which serves the Columbus Dispatch, Cincinnati Enquirer, Akron Beacon Journal and 18 other affiliated news organizati­ons across Ohio.

 ?? JESSIE BALMERT/USA TODAY NETWORK ?? Gov. Mike DeWine announces plans to increase enforcemen­t in constructi­on zones this summer.
JESSIE BALMERT/USA TODAY NETWORK Gov. Mike DeWine announces plans to increase enforcemen­t in constructi­on zones this summer.
 ?? JESSIE BALMERT/USA TODAY NETWORK ?? Pictures are shared of Steve Cook and his wife, Linda, left, and Dana King and her son Alex, right. Both Steve and Alex died in constructi­on zone crashes.
JESSIE BALMERT/USA TODAY NETWORK Pictures are shared of Steve Cook and his wife, Linda, left, and Dana King and her son Alex, right. Both Steve and Alex died in constructi­on zone crashes.
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