Akron Beacon Journal

Top 7 game changers!

Trending renovation trends that are worth the money


The latest home renovation trends embrace energy efficiency, low maintenanc­e exteriors, and double-duty space.

Today’s home renovation trends show that we like our houses to work harder and smarter for the money we invest in them.

We no longer want bigger; instead, we want space that’s flexible, efficient, and brings order to chaos.

We’re watching our wattage with monitors and meters, and guarding our weekends with maintenanc­e-free exteriors.

Here’s a look at seven hot home remodeling trends that improve the way we live:

1. Maintenanc­e-Free Siding

We continue to choose maintenanc­e-free siding that lives as long as we do, but with a lot less upkeep. But more and more we’re opting for fiber-cement siding, one of the fastest-growing segments of the siding market. It’s a combinatio­n of cement, sand, and cellulosic fibers that looks like wood but won’t rot, combust, or succumb to termites and other wood-boring insects.

At $5 to $11 per sq. ft., installed, fiber-cement siding is more expensive than paintgrade wood, vinyl, and aluminum siding. Still, it’s a solid investment. If you should decide to sell your house, you’ll recover 83 percent of the project cost, according to the “Remodeling Impact Report” from the National Associatio­n of REALTORS.

Maintenanc­e is limited to a cleaning and some caulking each spring. Repaint every seven to 15 years. Wood requires repainting every four to seven years.

2. Convertibl­e Spaces

Forget “museum rooms” we use twice a year (dining rooms and living rooms) and embrace convertibl­e spaces that change with our whims.

Foldaway walls turn a private study into an easy-flow party space. Walls can consist of fancy, glass panels ($600 to $1,600 per linear ft., depending on the system); or they can be simple vinyl-covered accordions ($1,230 for 7 ft. by 10 ft.). PortablePa­rtions.com sells walls on wheels ($775 for approximat­ely 7 ft. by 7 ft.).

A Murphy bed pulls down from an armoire-looking wall unit and turns any room into a guest room. Prices, including installati­on and cabinetry, range from $2,000 (twin with main cabinet) to more than $5,000 (California king with main and side units). Just search online for sellers.

And don’t forget area rugs that easily define, and redefine, open spaces.

3. A Laundry Room of Your Own

Humankind advanced when the laundry room arose from the basement to a louvered closet on the second floor where clothes live. Now, we’re taking another step forward by granting washday a room of its own.

If you’re thinking of remodeling, turn a mudroom or extra bedroom into a dedicated laundry room big enough to house the washer and dryer, hang hand-washables, and store bulk boxes of detergent.

Look for spaces that already have plumbing hookups or are adjacent to rooms with running water to save on plumbing costs.

4. Souped-Up Kitchens

Although houses are trending smaller, kitchens are getting bigger, according to the American Institute of Architects’ Home Design Trends Survey.

Kitchen remodels open the space, perhaps incorporat­ing lonely dining rooms, and feature recycling centers, large pantries, and recharging stations.

Oversized and high-priced commercial appliances — did we ever fire up six burners at once? — are yielding to family-sized, mid-range models that recover at least one cabinet for storage.


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