Akron Beacon Journal


Arizona city approves program to provide relief for workers living in cars amid high housing costs

- Lacey Latch The Arizona Republic’s coverage of northern Arizona is funded, in part, with a grant from Report for America.

After nearly seven hours of heated debate, the city council in Sedona, Arizona, approved a program that would provide a safe place to park for workers in the city who are living in their cars. But a petition to let Sedona voters decide for themselves on the program could soon be making its way around town. The Safe Place to Park program will include 40 parking spots for those employed full-time within city limits. It requires participan­ts to actively engage in case management with local social services – with an end goal of securing permanent housing after the program ends. The site will include temporary restrooms, showers and trash bins. Funded through a two-year grant from the Arizona Department of Housing, the site will be managed by the Verde Valley Homeless Coalition.

They would be responsibl­e for monitoring and enforcing rules within the lot between 10 p.m. and 8 a.m. All vehicles would be required to leave during daytime hours.

The council’s decision comes after more than a year of planning and refining a program aimed at providing relief for area workers while affordable housing projects move through the constructi­on process.

City officials estimate a 30-unit workforce housing project will be ready for residents by the time the Safe Place to Park program ends in 2026.

Council members acknowledg­ed the program is not ideal and is not the permanent solution to the area’s affordable housing crisis. But they said it is something that can be done immediatel­y to help alleviate the situation for those who would otherwise be illegally sleeping in their cars on city streets or nearby National Forest land.

“I don’t think there’s anybody up here or staff that are extremely proud of this. This is a last-ditch effort,” Mayor Scott Jablow said. “No one’s really proud because this isn’t really the answer. It’s one of many answers.”

The vast majority of residents spoke against the program, with some calling for a ballot referendum to put the decision in voters’ hands.

“If the city does pass this misbegotte­n zoning ordinance, I’ve already prepared and tomorrow I will file for a ballot referendum so the people of Sedona can correct that mistake,” said Bill Noonan, who said he moved to Sedona from Portland, Oregon, to escape a homeless crisis that he said was created by the city.

While a majority of the residents in attendance at the city council meeting spoke against the project, council members said numerous emails they’ve received in support of the program illustrate residents are more split on the issue than the meeting would suggest.

Despite being supportive of the program during prior council discussion­s, Vice Mayor Holli Ploog cast the sole dissenting vote. She said she ended the night conflicted with how to best represent the people of Sedona on this issue.

“I wish we had the authority to put this on the ballot because I want to hear what the community actually wants to do,” Ploog said.

Something as divisive and controvers­ial as the program could “break this community,” she said, adding she welcomes a ballot referendum and would even sign the petition herself.

“It’s the only way that the people will have a voice — through the ballot box,” Ploog said.

Location raises concerns

Many opponents of the project took issue with its location in a parking lot on the northwest corner of the 41-acre Cultural Park. The city bought the property for $23 million last year after it spent more than a decade on the market after being purchased out of foreclosur­e.

The land sat largely unused for two decades. City officials argued without city involvemen­t, the site would likely become a hotel or resort that could bring even more short-term rental units to the city. They also argued a lack of height or density restrictio­ns could put Sedona’s famous red rock views at risk if a developer prioritize­s profit.

The program will be located on about 6 acres of land previously used as a parking lot. The area is not visible from any nearby residences or roadways, according to city staff.

But some community members argued the presence of the lot alongside one of the city’s greatest assets would diminish its value in the eyes of many residents. Many also spoke of fears of the park becoming a hub for area pollution, drug use and other illegal behavior, permanentl­y damaging what residents described as a “Sedona treasure.”

Tim Jessup, a longtime Sedona resident and music engineer who works with the band Chicago, said the project site is near the band’s current studio. He said the program would “upend the Cultural Park,” a venue that could otherwise provide a huge boost to the local economy.

Putting the program in the Cultural Park would “kill the golden goose and eat it,” Jessup said.

But city officials emphasized the program is temporary – with a firm twoyear limit on the grant funding as well as a zoning reversal that would revoke the specified land use in June 2026.

The community over that period would be undergoing an intensive process to develop a master plan for the future of the Cultural Park, which officials estimate will take at least two years to complete.

“If we don’t do this now, then there’s never going to be a time for us to do this,” said council member Melissa Dunn.

“We can wait two years until we have housing, but those people will be living on the street in their cars, will be living in the forest with unsafe conditions,” Dunn said.

“So it just feels like this is time for us to do what might be uncomforta­ble but probably in the long run is the best thing for our community. These people are residents here, they are part of our community and to deny that because they live in their cars just feels incorrect to me,” she said.

Call for compassion, community

The few who spoke in favor of the project argued housing costs across the region have skyrockete­d. Many of the people who work in the restaurant­s, shops and other businesses that maintain the town’s tourism industry are now being priced out.

This program, they said, is a way to keep them in town and keep them safe.

“This for me is an opportunit­y to display who we are as a community,” said the Rev. Anthony Johnson.

A minister in Sedona, Johnson described the program as a chance for residents to display their humanity and hospitalit­y to their neighbors, highlighti­ng that a lot of the night’s conversati­on included terms like “stopgap” and “right now.”

“I would remind us all, now is all we have,” he said.

Jay Williams, a 25-year resident and homeowner who works as an area director for a local company, shared Johnson’s sentiment. Williams spoke passionate­ly in support of the program, both during this meeting and a council meeting in January where the Safe Place to Park program was discussed.

Williams said he participat­ed in one of the initial employer feedback sessions about the project, and only a few had concerns about potentiall­y transient employees. He described much of the night’s public opposition as “pathetic” and “prejudiced.”

“All I hear are justificat­ions from those who want to deny peace and safety to their peers,” Williams said. “Sitting here tonight, I’ve heard those against this refer to potential participan­ts as animals, vagrants and drug dealers and the parking area as a zoo, all while proudly trumpeting their ignorance about the struggle these people face.”

“We are talking about assisting members of our community – members who already exist in our community and who are positively affecting it,” he said.


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