Akron Beacon Journal

Why pit Franklin against Cuyahoga?

Ohio Dems miss mark again in high court race

- Your Turn William O’Neill, a Chagrin Falls resident, is a retired justice of the Ohio Supreme Court.

The Democrats have been the minority party at the Ohio Supreme Court for the better part of two decades. Now the Democratic leadership of the Ohio Democratic Party wants to extend that dry spell by engineerin­g an unnecessar­y primary.

They have orchestrat­ed a divisive primary between Columbus and Cleveland and once again demonstrat­ed they have no idea how to run a Supreme Court race. Let me explain.

There are two highly qualified Democratic judges running for an open seat, which could readily change the balance on the court from 4-3 Republican to 4-3 Democrat. The stakes could not be higher. And the competence and leadership of the Ohio Democratic Party could not be lower.

In January, the party chose Judge Lisa Forbes over Judge Terri Jamison for its endorsemen­t for Supreme Court. The first rule of winning a statewide race is party unity. This action does just the opposite: It pits Franklin County against Cuyahoga County in a battle that will not heal in time to win in November. But this is not the first time the party has shown its incompeten­ce.

I hope Judge Forbes gets the million dollars I left on the table. She is going to need it.

In 2006, I was in this exact scenario. I had carried 40% of the statewide vote two years earlier and was preparing for a rematch with my friend Justice Terry O’Donnell when I got a call from Judge A.J. Wagner in Dayton. He was noticeably upset and asked if I was running again. I told him “yes” and he immediatel­y said he was going to drop out.

“They recruited me and promised me $1 million in the primary,” he lamented. “But now that I know you are running, I will drop out.”

I told the judge that staying in and having a contested primary was good for both of us ... and “when I beat you I will have momentum in November.”

“What is in it for me?” he asked, and I told him. (1) I was running on “no money from nobody” and I needed a win to demonstrat­e my idea was valid. (2) If you beat me you, will be the dragon slayer and everyone will love you. He agreed to stay and I beat him soundly. The party never came up with 10 cents of the million promised. We remain friends today.

Six years later, I was at a social gathering at the Ohio Democratic Party, making plans to run for Supreme Court once again. I was approached by a traffic court judge from Cincinnati who extended his hand and said “Good evening, Mr. O’Neill, I have wanted to meet you.”

I corrected him and indicated my name was Judge O’Neill since I had retired after 10 years on the Court of Appeals and asked his name.

“Well,” he said, “you are not a judge and I have been recruited by the Ohio Democratic Party to run against you in the primary.”

On inquiry, I learned the party had promised him an endorsemen­t and $1 million. The same $1 million it had promised Judge Wagner. Must have still been on the table. I beat that youngster in 87 out of 88 counties and went on to win the election over incumbent Justice Bob Cupp with 60% of the statewide vote.

Here’s the bottom line. Judge Jamison ran in 2022, made a lot of friends, raised nearly a million dollars and got more than 1.7 million votes. She came close to beating an incumbent justice.

This year, I have seen the text message to the Ohio Democratic Party where she indicated she was interested in running. It takes a statewide loss to win in Ohio. Everyone knows that. But rather than accepting that fact, the party went out and recruited Judge Forbes, a nice lady and a good new judge .... with three years on the bench and no trial court experience ... compared to more than a decade as a judge including at the trial court and appellate level for Judge Jamison.

There is no question that Judge Jamison has the best chance of winning in November. None.

The Ohio Democratic Party has a history of missing opportunit­ies in Supreme Court races. Too many to mention.

The winner of this Democratic primary is going to beat the Franklin County Republican Common Pleas Court Judge and change the balance on the court. Judge Jamison has won three times in Franklin County, including twice against an incumbent.

Cleveland is about to take on Columbus. And it should not have to.

In January, the party chose Judge Lisa Forbes over Judge Terri Jamison for its endorsemen­t for Supreme Court. The first rule of winning a statewide race is party unity. This action does just the opposite: It pits Franklin County against Cuyahoga County in a battle that will not heal in time to win in November. But this is not the first time the party has shown its incompeten­ce.

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