Akron Beacon Journal

Here’s how you can preview planned changes coming to Akron’s Reservoir Park


The Akron Parks and Recreation Department is holding open houses at Reservoir Park Community Center at 12:30 p.m. and 6 p.m. Feb. 8 to discuss renovation­s to the building at 1735 Hillside Terrace in Goodyear Heights.

Residents are invited to attend, look at the plans and share their thoughts on the design.

Michelle DiFiore with the Office of Integrated Developmen­t, in a presentati­on at the Historical and Urban Design Committee, said that in 1990, a kitchen and community room were added to the north side of the original structure, built in 1933 as a Works Progress Administra­tion project.

The city proposes to demolish the 1990 addition and build a new 4,854 square foot addition at the northeast corner of the original structure.

When complete, the center will include several multipurpo­se activity spaces, meeting rooms and a modern kitchen.

The interior of the original facility will be renovated, and the restrooms will be made ADA accessible.

The budget for the Reservoir Park Community Center is $5.1 million, funded through Akron’s American Rescue Plan Act allocation.

Stow Court: Hudson teacher found not guilty of trespassin­g and inducing panic

A 35-year-old Hudson High School teacher was found not guilty by reason of insanity Tuesday in Stow Municipal Court on charges of trespassin­g and inducing panic.

The teacher was placed on administra­tive leave Aug. 16 after “an investigat­ion into alleged concerning and inappropri­ate comments and behavior at work.” He was later charged with two counts of trespassin­g and two counts of inducing panic after he was accused of being on school property on Aug. 17 and 18.

The Beacon Journal does not usually identify people charged with misdemeano­rs.

Inducing panic is a first-degree misdemeano­r and criminal trespass is a fourth-degree misdemeano­r. Representa­tives from the school declined to comment on the case.

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