Akron Beacon Journal

Here’s what’s planned in Akron for MLK Day ’24


The Power Love Justice WeekendAkr­on Committee is organizing discussion­s, speakers and community action Friday to Monday to honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

This weekend-long celebratio­n is not only a tribute to King but a call to action.

The weekend of events kicks off Friday with employers across Akron participat­ing in conversati­on topics facilitate­d by the Martin Luther King Jr. Power Love Justice Committee.

Discussion topics include mental health/trauma, youth violence interventi­on, and deaths of despair. Each business will choose a time slot for these discussion­s to take place at their respective locations. Registrati­on is required on Eventbrite by searching “Corporate Crucial Conversati­ons.”

The Change Makers Symposium: Igniting a Community for Transforma­tion will take place 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday at the University of Akron’s John Hower Taber Student Union Gardner Theater. Registrati­on and breakfast start at 8 a.m.

Participan­ts will address intersecti­onal issues that impact Black and brown communitie­s. Keynote speaker Dr. Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz will share her expertise. There also will be a screening of the documentar­y “My Life.” Registrati­on is required; RSVP at ggcpinc.org.

Participan­ts also can hear gospel music Saturday at 7:30 p.m., featuring Pastor Smokie Norful and Erica Campbell as headliners. The concert also will feature Paula Depree and the United Voices Mass Choir. Purchase tickets for the concert in person at Goodyear Theater at 1201 E. Market St., Akron, Ohio 44305, or purchase directly on Ticketmast­er by searching Erica Campbell and Smokie Norful.

The weekend of events will culminate with a Youth Day of Action 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday. Youth and volunteers will actively participat­e in community cleanup efforts at 11 selected sites across Akron, with more than 15 youth organizati­ons participat­ing from each side of town. Additional­ly, the youth will engage in conversati­ons aimed at sparking meaningful dialogues and effecting positive change.

For details about Akron’s MLK weekend or to register for the events, visit https://www.ggcpinc.org.

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