Comfort at the push of a button

Looking for furniture solutions to help with mobility? We asked a panel to tell us their experience­s of a company dedicated to doing just that What our panel tested


Being comfortabl­e at home with seating and beds is so important. As we get older we all know that issues can arise – from needing a little help to get out of a chair to support for an aching back. But finding the right solution isn’t always easy.

With 30 years of experience The Mobility Furniture Company aims to bring the luxury of comfortabl­e, stylish, made-to-measure furniture to your door, specialisi­ng in rise and recline chairs, with matching settees, fixed chairs and adjustable beds.

To find out how the service measured up, we asked a panel of customers who had bought furniture from the company to answer questions about their experience­s. Everything from how they rated the sales service to how the chair or bed had helped with mobility issues, how good the after care service was to why they chose The Mobility Furniture Company.

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The Hampshire– one of the range of riser/recliner chairs

The results

Our panel were overwhelmi­ngly impressed with their buys. On the subject of rating the sales process everyone said ‘excellent’, and there was particular praise for the delivery process.

Elspeth Pighills said: “My fatherin-law who, at the age of 96 is still living in his own home, is increasing­ly frail and needed a new chair. We live 350 miles away so were not there to take delivery. However the delivery was timed to coincide with a carer’s visit and everything went smoothly. The delivery men were also respectful of an elderly man.”

On the question of how comfortabl­e the bed or chair was, the panel either said ‘very’ or ‘extremely.’

On the question of why they had chosen The Mobility Furniture Company, Raymond Ward said: “Because the products are well

One of the Cheshire range of adjustable sofas available as two and three seaters

“I had a leather recliner which was badly in need of replacemen­t. Being in my 70s I felt it was a good time to invest in a better chair,” says Pamela Belbin. “I chose the Surrey Chair as it can take you to a standing position, which I might need as I get older. The service was exemplary and the chair is extremely comfortabl­e.”

“I have underlying heart and lung conditions and suffer from swollen feet. With the Surrey recliner chair I am able to raise my legs up which has really helped. It is so comfortabl­e amd also gives very good back support,” says Joan Wylie. “I would strongly recommend The Mobility Furniture Company.”

”I needed a chair with a twin motor, as a back condition means I am unable to recline but I must stay sitting upright,” says Diana Love. “They were so helpful, not pushy, or a one-size-fits-all approach. Having had various salespeopl­e round they were the only company who measured me and listened to what I needed. Delivery was excellent, putting the chair in the right place and getting rid of all packaging. I couldn’t be happier.”

“I had a growing need for help and support rising out of chairs,” says Annette Patricia Marr. “I looked at different reviews on the internet but liked the look of The Mobility Furniture Company’s customer care. They lived up to expectatio­ns, on time, careful and helpful. The chair has taken away the strain on my arms – no need to push to stand up. Not saying they are the cheapest on the market, but the quality of production and communicat­ions was excellent. I’d strongly recommend the company.”

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