Your Horse (UK)

‘Beforehand I had such pain everywhere I could hardly sleep’


NAME: Rachel Fisher

ROLE: Garden designer and amateur event rider

AGE: 55

BACKGROUND: At the start of the 2024 season, Rachel, a garden designer, mother and successful event rider, faced several challenges. Her energy levels were lower than usual and she was struggling to maintain a healthy diet. She sought natural ways to rejuvenate, build overall strength and increase her range of movement. Additional­ly, she experience­d an unexpected and debilitati­ng anxiety about jumping her horse.

THE HOLISTIC APPROACH: To avoid overwhelmi­ng Rachel, a step-by-step holistic approach was implemente­d. While her sleeping habits were good, nutrition and exercise became the focus for the greatest impact. She was encouraged to increase her water intake by linking it to an existing task, such as drinking every time she got in the car in between clients or when on a break. Her lunch was revamped to include pre-prepared salads with 30g of protein and healthy fats like avocado and extra virgin olive oil to combat midafterno­on sugar slumps. She was also introduced to quality collagen to complement her nutrition, reducing stiffness, aching and bloating. To address her anxiety, she began talking through her feelings with friends and trainers, allowing more time to prepare and engage in positive self-talk.

RACHEL SAYS: “My biggest issues were my full-on workload as a garden designer, a lack of water intake and having snacks for lunch. While you can get away with a slightly dodgy diet and having a Snickers bar midday when you’re younger, it doesn’t cut it when you hit the menopause. Once I started working with Frankie my energy levels soared, not only due to taking healthy, pre-prepared lunches, like lentil salads (I’m a vegetarian), to work and ditching the snacks, but also upping my water intake. Beforehand I had such pain everywhere that sometimes I could hardly sleep, but that disappeare­d, not only due to my new regime, but also because of the exercise programme Frankie suggested. I couldn’t do much cardio because of a back issue, but I did lots of strength, resistance and flexibilit­y training. Another benefit has been that I’m much more symmetrica­l in the saddle, and this has helped my dressage performanc­e no end. Frankie also encouraged me to talk to my GP about HRT. With a history of breast cancer in my family I hadn’t taken it, but after discussion­s with my doctor, who chatted through my fears, I’m now on it. My confidence has also improved, although not all the time. It comes and goes and sometimes I have to give myself a good talking to before heading out on a cross-country course. I don’t mind admitting that I’m not perfect and I fall off the wagon now and again when it comes to my diet and have the odd Snickers bar. Ultimately, though, my sessions with Frankie have really transforme­d the way I feel.”

 ?? ?? Rachel has found that her energy levels have soared
Rachel has found that her energy levels have soared

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