Your Horse (UK)

‘I guess I don’t see myself as old at all’


RIDER: Nancy Wolnowsky, 63, a retired former automotive industry worker who lives in South Carolina, USA

HORSE: Jet, a 14hh, 15-year-old Quarter Horse x Carolina Marsh Tacky who she has owned for three years

When did you start to ride?

My earliest memory of riding is my parents taking me to a local park where you could get on a pony and go round in a circle. I was hooked. I had horse posters in my bedroom and lots of model horses growing up, but my parents couldn’t afford lessons. Once I had a steady career I decided to make my dream happen and so I started riding properly when I was 37.

Have you ever taken any breaks?

I took a year out after losing my heart horse in 2020. We had been together for 10 years. Six months later I lost my mother. I really had a hard time, but then I found my little Jet. I went to ride him and afterwards he followed me around the arena. I had to take him home.

How did you get involved with #Hack1000mi­les?

I’ve mostly hacked over the years. I boarded my first horse at a facility that had a lot of trails, and I’ve also enjoyed endurance and fun rides over the years. I get Your Horse magazine through my local library and I saw the challenge advertised. I may never get to 1,000 miles, but it’s fun to track.

How long do you hope to continue riding?

I plan to keep going as long as I can. I guess I don’t see myself as old at all. I can still spring up into the saddle. When the time comes to stop riding I’d like to take on an older horse and do liberty and just spend time together.

 ?? ?? Jet helped Nancy after she lost her previous horse and mother in quick succession
Jet helped Nancy after she lost her previous horse and mother in quick succession

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