Your Horse (UK)

‘I hope to be riding into my 80s’


RIDER: Pamela Bartrip, 76, from Oxfordshir­e is a retired teacher and a current coach at her local RDA centre HORSE: Star, a 15hh, 18-year-old cob x Thoroughbr­ed who she has owned since 2019

When did you start to ride?

I first sat on a horse at the age of four, but I only began riding properly when I was 12. My godmother had a farm and I used to ride her milk delivery pony and later her 17hh Shire. I also had a friend called

Vicky who let me ride one of her ponies until I moved to Chepstow. My friend and I had lessons at a local riding school, and we used to stay to help and ride the ponies back to their fields — no saddles!

I also fondly remember riding my godmother’s horse to Sunday lunch at Clyne Castle when I was at Swansea University. It was done as a dare as you were supposed to wear gowns to lunch and I had my riding habit on.

Have you ever taken any breaks?

I didn’t ride much when I had my first two children, but I bought my own pony when I was 36 and have had five more horses since then. I also stopped riding in 2008 for eight months after I broke my leg, and again in 2010 when I broke my other leg. After losing my mare in the spring of 2019 to peritoniti­s, I had a break while I looked for another horse. I bought Star in August 2019. How did you get involved with #Hack1000mi­les?

I initially signed up to do the challenge because I had been mainly doing dressage on my previous horse andi fancied doing something different. When Covid came along I stopped having lessons and we went hacking instead. I’m now on my seventh go at Hack 1,000 Miles — I love it. I completed the challenge last year with Star.

How long do you hope to continue riding?

I hope to be riding into my 80s if my horse andi are able because it keeps me fit and healthy.

 ?? ?? Pamela and Star have been together for five years and they completed the #Hack challenge in 2023
Pamela and Star have been together for five years and they completed the #Hack challenge in 2023
 ?? ?? The 15hh Star is a far cry from the 17hh Shire Pamela Bartrip rode as a child, but the cob cross is a perfect companion for completing the #Hack1000mi­les challenge
The 15hh Star is a far cry from the 17hh Shire Pamela Bartrip rode as a child, but the cob cross is a perfect companion for completing the #Hack1000mi­les challenge

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