Your Dog

Teach your dog to shake hands


Teaching your dog a simple trick can be fun and rewarding for both of you. Here's a quick and easy step-by-step guide to teach your dog to shake hands…


1 Get your dog’s attention: Make sure your dog is calm and focused. You can use their favourite treat to get their attention.

2 Sit command: Start by asking your dog to sit. This provides a stable starting position.

3 Show the treat: Hold the treat in your hand and let your dog sniff it so they know it’s there.

4 Give the command: Say “Shake” in a clear and upbeat tone.

5 Lift their paw: Gently pick up one of your dog’s front paws with your free hand while showing them the treat.

6 Reward immediatel­y: As soon as you lift their paw, praise your dog and give them the treat. This helps them associate the action with the reward.

7 Repeat: Repeat this process several times during each training session. Dogs learn through repetition.

8 Gradually reduce assistance: As your dog starts to understand the trick, reduce the amount of help you give with lifting their paw. Wait for them to lift it themselves.

9 Practise regularly: Practice a few times a day in short sessions (5-10 minutes) to avoid overwhelmi­ng your dog.

It’s important to remember that patience is key! Some dogs might pick this up quickly, while others may take more time. Always reward your dog with treats, praise or affections to reinforce the behaviour. If you stay consistent, using the same command and hand signal, you will see results! And always end your training sessions on a positive note – or move on to a simpler command that your dog knows well.

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