Your Dog

Is my Labrador too fat?



I have a four-year-old

I know Labs are prone to eating everything in sight but I worry he’s becoming overweight and try to limit his calorie intake as much as I can. I see so many overweight dogs around — how big a problem is weight gain in dogs?

A There are many studies looking at the levels of obesity in pets, but a good estimate is that about 40 per cent of the UK pet dog population is overweight or obese — that’s more than three million dogs! It’s been suggested that pets are overweight when their body weight is 10 to 19 per cent above what it should be, although any increase above a normal body weight can be detrimenta­l. Dogs who are 20 per cent or more above their ideal weight are obese. That means a generously sized Labrador weighing 30kg at his ideal weight would be classed as overweight when he exceeded 33kg, and obese by the time he was 36kg.

Worryingly, it has been found that obese dogs tend to have their lives cut short by two years on average, compared to dogs at ideal body weight. Overweight dogs are prone to joint strain, fatigue, breathing difficulti­es, a tendency to suffer heatstroke, and irritabili­ty. They are also less able to fight off infections, particular­ly viruses. So overweight dogs don’t just live shorter lives but also the quality of their lives suffers too.

Giving too much food, offering high calorie human food to dogs in addition to main meals, and providing too little exercise are all factors that have been blamed for rising levels of canine obesity.

If your dog has simply gained a few pounds, you may be able to switch to a lower-calorie food and cut out treats. Most dogs who are heavier than that will need to be fed a very restricted calorie diet and it isn’t a good idea to try and simply cut down on the amount of food fed, as not only will your dog feel very hungry, but he may not receive enough nutrients.

Vets can offer lots of support for owners of overweight pets, such as establishi­ng a level of safe weight loss each week. Special prescripti­on weight-loss foods are available and are formulated to aid weight loss, and are also designed to give dogs the sensation of being full after eating. Your vet will be happy to weigh your dog and offer advice on a weight loss plan, if needed.

 ?? ?? Labradors can be prone to weight gain.
Labradors can be prone to weight gain.

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