Your Dog

Dog parks set to rise after leading property consultanc­y wins planning appeal


The popularity of dog parks being set up in unused fields is only set to increase after a leading property consultanc­y won a planning appeal to create one in Cheshire.

Property consultant­s Fisher German helped Steph Cheadle, director of the Dog Paddocks in Lower Whitley, gain retrospect­ive planning permission on appeal after Cheshire West and Chester Council initially refused the applicatio­n.

Nia Borsey, Associate at Fisher German, led the appeal and believes the precedent set will result in an even bigger increase in an already popular diversific­ation strategy for landowners. She said: “We've seen demand for dog parks increase significan­tly since the pandemic when many people decided to welcome a dog into their home but were not able to socialise them properly.

Dog parks provide a private space for training or walking dogs without the distractio­ns of a public park, and many dog owners are willing to pay for the privilege of using them.

“To take advantage of that demand, we've helped farmers and landowners with advice on how to set up these businesses and gain the necessary planning consent to make them a reality. For the most part, change of use applicatio­ns in the green belt tended to be granted as the impact of a dog park, assuming access was manageable, was minimal.

“However, when Cheshire West and Chester Council opted to refuse the retrospect­ive applicatio­n in Lower Whitley, we felt an appeal was likely to be granted as the impact to the green belt was low. It was fantastic news for Steph that the appeal was indeed granted, but it is even better news for landowners looking for a less intensive diversific­ation strategy.

“The precedent set by the appeal win makes it far more likely that local authoritie­s will grant similar applicatio­ns elsewhere, as they know they are unlikely to win at appeal if they refuse.”

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