Your Dog

Meet my dog

Lake and Lacee


We speak to Lorna Cowan about Pets As Therapy dog Lacee, and how she has helped a young boy overcome his fear of dogs.

Q Tell us a little bit about Lake…

Lake is a caring and loving 10-year-old boy, with two sisters and a brother. He’s in Year 6 at Ludham Primary School in Norfolk and plays football for Ormesby Youth FC U12s.

Q When did Lake first meet Lacee, the Pets As Therapy dog? And what difference has she made to Lake’s life?

Lake met Lacee in 2022 at an October half-term community event. At first he was too scared to even enter the room, due to a phobia he has developed following a vicious attack by a dog.With some encouragem­ent he met Wendy, a PAT volunteer, and her lovely therapy dog Lacee. After a few hours, Lake was sitting on the floor with Lacee snuggled in his lap.

Q What does a typical day look like for a PAT Dog?

PAT Dogs are well-behaved, friendly pets who volunteer with their owners.They visit lots of different places, including schools, hospitals and residentia­l care homes, and cheer up everyone they meet. Some people may be feeling anxious or lonely. Others may be missing their own dog. Stroking a PAT Dog, and perhaps even giving it a cuddle, always helps.

Q Tell us about the ways in which PAT Dog Lacee has helped Lake…

Thanks to Wendy and therapy dog Lacee, Lake has started to rebuild trust in some dogs.The relationsh­ip he now has with Lacee is immense. It’s pretty difficult to describe just what this wonderful PAT team have done for all the family.

Q Does Lacee have any other special skills?

Lacee protects Lake if other dogs get too close. She knows Lake so well and will move herself around to protect him. For a dog that we do not own, their bond is unbreakabl­e.

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