Women's Running

Keeping tabs

SSgt (SSI) Lisa Bowen is a physical developmen­t specialist in the army


In the military, we refer to rucking as tabbing (tactical advance to battle) which is the act of walking or hiking while carrying a loaded backpack.As an avid runner,I find that incorporat­ing tabbing into my training routine has enhanced my running performanc­e.

“One of the reasons I enjoy tabbing is the physical and mental challenge it presents, walking with a loaded backpack engages different muscle groups such as the legs, core and upper body,and this helps build overall strength and endurance.The added weight forces me to work harder, pushing myself beyond my comfort zone. The mental toughness and resilience developed through tabbing/rucking translate directly into my running, enabling me to push through fatigue and overcome mental barriers during long-distance runs.

“Tabbing provides a change of pace from traditiona­l running and allows me to feel more present in the moment, taking in the sights and sounds of my surroundin­gs. It also offers a refreshing break from high-intensity running sessions, and I enjoy the social side of this activity when with friends.

“Over the years, tabbing has become an integral part of my training routine, not only for my job but also because of the numerous benefits it offers both my physical and mental well-being.The challenge it presents combined with the enjoyment of being in nature makes it a rewarding and fulfilling activity.

“If you are looking to spice up your workout routine and reap the benefits of a full body workout, give tabbing a try.You may find yourself enjoying the journey as much as the destinatio­n.

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