Women's Running

Liz Jenkins

Liz Jenkins, a 74-year-old runner, has raised more than £60,000 over 20 years of races, alongside her husband Paul


How did you get into running?

Reluctantl­y, after a friend asked me to run with her to keep fit, back in 1988. I very soon got the bug and progressed slowly.

What do you remember about your first race?

It was the Yellow Pages 10K in Reading, 1988. I was determined to run all the way and in under an hour. I completed it in 59:01.

Which race are you most proud of?

There have been a few. Definitely my first London Marathon in 1991. Then my London Marathon in 2009 when I had a nasty fall at 14 miles and chinned a concrete block. I was helped by my friends Sue and Ellen, fellow with Liz runs her friends or Paul husband

Liz is a London Marathon veteran

Liz was almost 40 when she started running in 1989, completing her first half marathon in 2 hrs and 7 mins. She has run 11 London Marathons, including in 2019, to celebrate her 50th wedding anniversar­y. Nearly two years ago, she slipped, broke and dislocated her ankle badly, spending a week in Stoke Mandeville hospital. With lots of physio, determinat­ion and inspiratio­n, plus A.Vogel’s Arnica Gel (avogel.co.uk), it took 10 months for her to get back walking, running and to full fitness. Liz had first heard about the gel when attending the London Marathon 10 years ago. She contacted A.Vogel to see if they would sponsor the Bournemout­h Joggers Running club 10K, and they did!

Bournemout­h Joggers, plus marshalls and first aiders, who wanted me to pull out and send me to hospital. I pleaded with them to let me carry on, so with a big plaster on my chin and Sue and Ellen promising to stay with me, we completed the marathon in aid of the Children’s Liver Disease Foundation. Another favourite was running the London Marathon with my husband, Paul, him aged 73 and me 70, for our golden wedding anniversar­y. We dressed in gold outfits and managed to raise £10,000 for the same charity.

Where’s your favourite place to run?

The clifftop and beach at Hengistbur­y Head and Southbourn­e, in Dorset.

How do you fit in training?

I am retired so I have lots of time!

What’s your favourite piece of kit?

My Mizuno running shoes plus A.Vogel’s Atrogel arnica gel for all of my aches and pains.

What has running taught you?

It has given me confidence.

Roads or trails?

I’ll go for roads mainly, with a little bit of trail here and there.

 ?? ?? Liz had to rehabilita­te for a long time after dislocatin­g her ankle a couple of years ago
Liz had to rehabilita­te for a long time after dislocatin­g her ankle a couple of years ago
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