Women's Running

We couldn’t have done it without…


Emma Kirk-Odunubi

Emma is a sports scientist and strength coach who has worked in the running industry for over 15 years empowering runners to achieve their goals. She recently completed four marathons in four weeks (the last one was an ultra!). This issue, she tackles Patella Tendinopat­hy; symptoms include a pain under the knee and treatment includes rest, strength training and perhaps a new pair of trainers! Head over to page 16 to find out more.

Rachel Ifans

Rachel started running ‘properly’ in her 40s as a way to get fit and to find some time for herself, and it’s become a vital part of her life. She’s a journalist who writes about travel and running for publicatio­ns such as

The Independen­t, iPaper, BBC, National Geographic and Simple Things. Every issue, Rachel meets and writes about our brilliant Warriors, and this time she loved chatting to Steph Kessell on page 22.

Charlie Watson

Charlie Watson is an NHS Dietitian, author of cookbook Cook Eat Run and host of a podcast of the same name. She shares her running journey balancing motherhood, work and marathon training on instagram @therunnerb­eans and her awardwinni­ng blog therunnerb­eans.com. She is a Six Star Finisher, Westin Run ambassador and enthusiast­ic buggy runner. This issue, Charlie writes about vital macro nutrients on page 82.

Anne-Marie Lategan

Anne-Marie is a mad ultra runner and race director who loves to run 24-hour races (sometimes dressed up as a unicorn) and stage races accross the world. She has a degree in human movement science and rehabilita­tion and has written the workouts for Women’s Running since issue 1. Every issue, This issue, she’s concentrat­ing on a super circuit that promise to build strength and transform your running in double-quick time, on page 76

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