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There’s more fun and mayhem in store as Ant & Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway returns for a 20th series, but the live entertainm­ent show is being rested at the end of this run. As it will be off our screen for a while, you can expect some big surprises from the duo this time around. Here, they reveal more…

What made you decide to take a break

from Saturday Night Takeaway?

Ant: It seemed a natural point to take a pause. We’ve rested the show before and reaching series 20 felt like it was a good time to reflect on how we want it to look in the future.

So, can you tell us what you’ve got planned for the new series?

Dec: It will be a celebratio­n of all the shows, and also some new ideas in there, to ensure we send this series off with a real bang!

Is it true Little Ant and Dec are back?

Ant: That’s right. The original Little Ant and Dec obviously got very tall and older and were no longer little, then the same thing happened with the second incarnatio­ns. Now we’ve found some new cheeky little Geordies to run riot and we just can’t wait for you to meet them.

Will you be playing pranks on members of the public as usual?

Dec: Yes. We like to do pranks around things that you want to do really quickly so you can get on with your day, like ticket machines and coffee stops. It’s infuriatin­g for them when we come in and secretly make it complicate­d, but it’s hilarious for the rest of us!

What are your most memorable moments from the show?

Ant: I loved it when we performed as

PJ & Duncan again [their pop-star alter egos], that was so much fun. We’ve been very lucky over the years, we’ve danced and sang with so many wonderful people.

Dec: When we became drag queens Lady Antoinette and Miss Donna Lee was a particular highlight. We’ve both had some incredibly special memories. We will miss it.

✱ Ant & Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway is on ITV1

 ?? ?? Ant and Dec having a laugh with their cheeky mini-mes
Ant and Dec having a laugh with their cheeky mini-mes
 ?? ?? As Lady Antoinette and Miss Donna Lee
As Lady Antoinette and Miss Donna Lee
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