Woman (UK)

How to be a morning person


Not everyone is automatica­lly bright, chirpy and raring to go at 6am. And those who are, find they’re usually nodding off by 9.30pm! I confess to being an early bird, but it comes with huge benefits. So when I was recently asked about how to become a morning person to help complete a workout first thing, I thought it would be great to share my tips in this column – but tackling the topic the other way round. That’s because if you exercise first thing, you will unwittingl­y become one of ‘them’, a member of the smug morning club.

Firstly, pre-prep is everything so, whatever your chosen activity, whether it’s swimming, racking up your step count, a workout in your living room or some weights at your gym, put your kit out the night before. Rummaging for clothes in the dark creates panic and stress, which leads to a feeling of chaos. You don’t need that, this is a positive thing you’re doing.

If you’ll need the car, put some newspaper over the windscreen the night before so you don’t wake the neighbours with noisy ice-scraping. Trainers by the door, water, towel, gym pass in your bag and you’re done.

In the morning, roll out of bed and either a) stand in a squat position and do 30 fist air-punches quietly, signalling to the world and yourself that you mean business or b) forget that malarkey and just stagger downstairs, grab your keys and go.

It will be getting light, the birds will be singing and you will feel it’s an utter privilege to be up and out this early.

I cannot tell you the difference it will make to your day. Your demeanour, focus, your energy, attitude and mood will all benefit from exercising first thing – and overcoming the will to stay in bed.

You’ll feel alert and positive, you’ll get so much done and the smug-o-meter will be off the scale.

✱ Annie is a fitness coach and creator of The Blast Plan, a 28-day nutrition and fat-loss programme aimed at motivating women towards health and confidence. Visit theblastpl­an. com to find out more

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