Woman (UK)



Lord Sugar has claimed that all wannabe influencer­s are weeded out of The Apprentice during the audition stage. He seems to be suggesting that only candidates with deadly serious business acumen make the cut – rather than social medial numpties – but who’s he kidding?

This year has the same load of braggarts and chancers that they wheel out annually, making ever more ludicrous claims about their own dubious talents.

Boardroom bruiser Sugar claims that those who are only taking part to boost their profile get spotted straight away. ‘The production company that’s been making this thing for 18 years can smell them a mile off,’ he said grumpily. Makes you wonder how bad some of the rejects must have been. Recruitmen­t director Jack Davies is trying to win Sugar’s investment of £250,000 and says in the show’s press informatio­n, ‘I have a food review page on social media. Check it out and give us a follow!’

Er, great weeding guys.

Then there’s the ridiculous claims they make about themselves. Amina Khan, a pharmacist from Essex, describes herself as ‘one of the hardest working women I know’, declaring, ‘There is no one else like me.’ Well, apart from fitness studio owner Rachel Woolford, who insists, ‘Anyone in business must work hard, but I work harder.’ I’m fairly sure there are a few junior doctors working 20-hour shifts and nurses toiling around the clock who’d give them a run for their money. Then we have Dr Asif Munaf who says, in the show’s typically modest way, ‘I’ve got an extremely high IQ. I’ve got an extremely high bench press. And to top it off, I’m quite good on the eyes.’ Urgh.

Yes, they’re all driven, determined and focused. They all wear power suits and probably get up before they’ve even gone to bed. But they are also self-obsessed, fame-hungry blame deflectors who would sell not just their own grandmothe­rs but their souls to get to where they want to be. Good role models for today’s youngsters? I think not.

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