Woman (UK)

Speedy tandoori skewers


A ready-made spice blend really speeds things up in this kebab-shop favourite. Serve with ready-made raita or tzatziki to save even more time.


✱ 150g natural yogurt

✱ Juice of ½ lime, plus wedges to serve

✱ 3tbsp tandoori spice blend

✱ 4 small skinless chicken breasts (about 600g), cut into 3cm strips

✱ 2 courgettes, cut into 2cm thick half-moons

✱ 2 small red onions, each cut into 6 wedges

✱ ½ cauliflowe­r, broken into bite-sized florets

✱ 1tbsp olive oil

✱ 4 tandoori-style chapattis, warmed, to serve

✱ Finely-sliced onion, chopped tomato and coriander leaves, to serve

✱ Mango chutney, to serve (optional) For the dip: ✱ 150g natural yogurt ✱ 1tbsp lime pickle ✱ 3tbsp finely-chopped mint leaves You will need: ✱ 8 metal skewers

1 In a bowl, mix 150g yogurt, the lime juice and 2tbsp of the tandoori spice mix with 1tsp sea salt. Toss through the chicken and set aside.

2 In another bowl, mix the courgettes, red onions and cauliflowe­r with the oil and remaining 1tbsp spice blend, and season. Heat the grill to high.

3 Thread the chicken and veg onto the skewers, and arrange on an oiled baking tray. Grill for 5 mins near the top of the oven. Turn and brush with the remaining marinade, then return to the oven for 5 mins until the chicken is cooked and the veg is tender.

4 Meanwhile, mix the dip ingredient­s in a bowl. Spread the chapattis with some of the dip and top with 1-2 skewers. Serve topped with some onion, tomato and coriander, with lime wedges and some mango chutney to serve, if liked. Per serving: 431 cals, 10g fat, 4g sat fat, 40g carbs

 ?? ?? FOOD ED’S TIP
Metal skewers are best to use as they won’t char. If you only have wooden ones, soak the skewers for 15 mins in warm water so they don’t burn under the grill.
FOOD ED’S TIP Metal skewers are best to use as they won’t char. If you only have wooden ones, soak the skewers for 15 mins in warm water so they don’t burn under the grill.

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